It’s something I’ve noticed about myself that happens time and time again. People would ask me to repeat myself because they couldn’t hear what I’ve said the first time. Someone even commented in the past that I was “soft spoken” and I guess it’s kinda off putting to people, especially since I’m a guy. This happens even when, from my vantage point, I seem to be speaking loud and clear.

Anyone deal with this? I’ve even been thinking that I should hire a speech therapist or vocal coach since it’s happened so many times. I also figure it’s partly due to my isolation. Since I don’t talk a lot, my vocal chords must be weak or something.

  1. I’ve always had the same issue it usually makes me mad when I’m asked to repeat myself multiple times

  2. im soft spoken, monotone, and with a weird ass accent. i understand that a million times over 🥹

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