Just want to start with that people who are against cold approaching this post is not for you, Sorry. Looking for positivity here.

**BACKGROUND**: 24M, moved countries and cities for education and work (now in UK). I haven’t dated before so I am inexperienced as well. I am a bit of introvert but for the past year, I have been to some meetups/events, social and professional and have tried to put myself in situations where I can start conversations. I am regularly going to the gym for some months which has given me some confidence about my body as well.

**WHY**: But overall, I am still an average guy so not much luck on the dating apps. I don’t like bars/clubs where most of the interaction is expected these days and since I don’t have extensive friends circle (childhood, college, uni) in the city I live in so not much interactions overall. But I do go to get groceries as everyone else, I do walk from one place to another and if I do see someone who catches my eye then I feel there is nothing wrong in asking someone out for a coffee.

**HOW**: But then it’s easier said than done so that’s **why I need help from people who regularly approach or get approached. Some people might be good at this but more often than not people are scared and don’t have enough experience so maybe a starter pack, some basics.**

**SO share your experiences and where to start for others ?**

Since I haven’t tried anything yet so I am more optimistic and don’t think women bite but women if you do, here is your chance.

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