My bf’s dog has to be on the bed when we have sex and it always try to get involved by licking him or me on my exposed legs or something… when I cover with a blanket she growls and barks until one of us stuck out our legs for it to lick. I have tried to put it on the floor and it is too small to jump up on the bed but it will bark non-stop… when I put it out of the room it barks and scratches the door and it’s so freakin irritating and distracting!

  1. The dog is confused about what is going on. Since it’s your partner’s dog, he needs to be the one correcting her. If she’s not crate trained, she could be. Mine only bark in their crates, when someone pulls into the yard.

  2. What does your partner do about it? How long have you been in a relationship and around the dog?

  3. This is the worst. It’s disgusting and annoying. I started getting up and leaving. Didn’t take long to “train” my wife!

  4. It’s a long process but having a dog bed and using place and bed command. You can fake fool around then put them in place wait a bit reward for staying and once in a relaxed position. Rinse and repeat and increasing the time of reward. It was a lot of work getting to the point where my gf dog would leave us alone or be quite at the edge of the bed. It was tough only place we had sex was in the shower or in another closed room with put them barking.

  5. This is really weird its the same as with a kid when it’s sexy time you can go wherever you want but can’t stay in here.

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