I have a four letter word I would like to make more obscure. And still able to type. Like the idea of Morse code but the dot dash combo. An other ideas you have would be greatly appreciated.

  1. Google cyphers. But a random code in a sentence is still going to be obvious due to context.

  2. Simple substitution cyphers or rotational cyphers could be good.

    Assign each letter of the alphabet a number and add a value modulus 26 to get the new letter. e.g. EWPV

    Or you could hide it in another word, e.g. SCUNTHORPE

    Rhyming slang eg BERKSHIRE

  3. use a longer sentence as an acronym for a phrase?

    Cannot usually notice this frequently used, commonly known offensively fatuous fault

    **C**annot **u**sually **n**otice **t**his **f**requently **u**sed, **c**ommonly **k**nown **o**ffensively **f**atuous **f**ault

  4. A four letter word as in a swear word, or just four letters? And it needs to be basic letters, if it’s a screen-name.

    If it’s just four letters, google translate for options in other languages, choose one you like, then double-check urban dictionary.

    If it’s a swear word then the numbers for the letters of that word. Like 3_21_14_20.

    Best not to be *too* obscure because presumably you do want some people to get it.

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