Am i wrong for wanting to go back to a job where i lied about a relationship with a coworker?

I didn’t do anything with said coworker but i did lie and this is the 3rd time that I have lied and caused problems between my wife and female coworkers.

I dont know why I lie. My wife is open and never given me a reason to.

Any advice?

  1. so your wife controlled you into leaving your job. your problem is your wife not the job. starts with isolation then everything else she attempts to take you away from . btw how did she make you quit your job? and my advice is get a new wife or learn to stand up for yourself to your wife

  2. You need to go to a therapist.

    Work relationships are a very valid concern. These are people you spend 8+ hours a day with. People who you work with to solve problems, sometimes bicker with, it all really opens a door to cheating or at the very least being disrespectful to your marriage.

  3. I looked at your profile, because this makes no sense. I’m glad I did.

    Find a better use for your free time. Seriously, this is the best advice you’ll get all day.

  4. >My wife made me quit my job

    No, you made it to where you had to quit your job.

    >Am i wrong for wanting to go back to a job where i lied about a relationship with a coworker?

    Is the coworker aware of the lies you told your wife? If yes, then yes, you’re wrong. if no, go ahead but quit your bullshit.

    > I dont know why I lie. My wife is open and never given me a reason to.
    >Any Advice?

    Yes, get therapy for yourself and treat your wife with more respect.

  5. I get the feeling that you’re leaving out a lot of really important details. You say you lied about a relationship with a coworker, but don’t clarify the lie. Were you inappropriate with this coworkers? Did your wife feel it was an emotional affair? It obviously was a significant breach of trust so your wife wanted to ensure that you and your coworker cut contact.

    Given how your wife reacted, I suspect that if you go back to that job and that coworker, you will lose your wife. Given that this has happened 3 times now, it also sounds like you don’t respect your wife nor your marriage, at least not enough to tell the truth.

    Without honesty, there can be no trust. Without trust, the relationship will eventually fail. You need to learn to tell the truth. And when you’re talking to coworkers, you need to ensure that the conversations you have are ones you wouldn’t mind having in front of your wife so that you can honestly tell her about them if asked.

  6. Yes, you are wrong. Why would you ask such a dumb question. It’s either your wife/marriage or your female coworker. Think about it.

  7. Any advice? Yes. See a therapist and sort yourself out. Your lying will end your marriage.

  8. Well, it doesn’t really matter why you lie. What matters is the purpose that your lies are serving. What are you hoping to get out of being dishonest, especially if you think there’s no reason for it? Otherwise, I’d get used to rotating jobs every so often.

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