My birthday is coming up in a few weeks but my husband and I haven’t discussed plans. Earlier in the year I mentioned going on a trip with some friends around the time of my birthday, but he was dead set against it so I dropped it.

His birthday was in the summer and it was a milestone so I balled out with a surprise trip, tickets to a show & a concert, gifts, etc. He was really surprised and deeply moved. I started these plans inJanuary and everything was great.

We usually take time off from work on our birthdays, just in case we’re able to get away. Today I told him about a quick work trip I need to take a week before my birthday and he said he thought I was going away for work on my birthday. I’m not sure where he got that idea but I cleared it up. He said oops I guess we should plan to do something. He suggested going out of town “if I’m up to it” and asked if I want to book a trip to this place or that place. From past experience he really does mean I’ll need to make all the arrangements. I don’t expect him to match my efforts 100% but if I have to make all the plans at the last minute it’s just as easy to stay home.

I’m not kicking myself yet but I’m sure I’ll regret not going away with friends. And I have no regrets about going above & beyond for his birthday. I’m sure he would do something /anything if he only knew how to book a flight or a hotel or make any kinds of reservation electronically😀

1 comment
  1. Sounds like the perfect time to communicate. “Yes I would like to go away, do you mind making the reservation? It’s my birthday and I don’t want to have to do it” set him up for success instead of waiting for him to fail. He might still fail…which will suck, but he may surprise you.

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