Is this breakup worthy? Idk it seems so minuscule to everything else but my fucking god.

We have known each other for about a year and a half? Dating since beginning of May.

She’s extremely hyper and has *no* sense of boundaries. She’s not malicious, but she’s a 4year old pitbull who jumps on you. Like not just while you’re standing, I’m talking while you’re laying down she will trample you and not stop. If you try to, she takes it as play time and goes harder. Im a small petite 100lb girl so a fucking thick muscle pit is a lot to handle. Especially when she’s trampling my fucking *head* and I can’t push her off. My boyfriend will do things to rile her up like throw her toys up above me so she will jump up and land on me. He thinks it’s hilarious and when she does end up landing on me, he claims “oh I didn’t know it would land on you and she would get on top of you”. He acts like it doesn’t hurt me, that I’m overreacting. But just now he was leaving, I was sitting on the couch and he did something to rile her up a bit where she came to come stand on me. We had a bit of a tiff and really wasn’t in the mood for this rambunctious dog to get even more hyper and paw at me. So I tried to stand up and she didn’t like that, she stood her ground a bit on top of me and then jumped off leaving a fucking gash on my leg. Like bloody and at least four inches long. It *hurts* and upset me more after the morning with the throwing of the toys and her already walking all over me. He told me it was “just a scratch”. This is not a fucking *scratch*. He’s now upset with me for calling out *again* how his dog behaves and telling him I’m *tired* of him acting like it’s nothing when he intentionally riles her up and I’m the only one getting hurt from it. Like I’m the bad guy for not wanting to constantly have bruises and scratches and gashes all over me and to not be trampled all the time. I’m getting so frustrated.

  1. Anything that constantly frustrates you and/or causes you unwelcome physical pain is breakup-worthy, it doesn’t matter how trivial you may think the issue is. And I say that as a major dog person.

  2. A pitbull with such a severe lack of training is a potential time bomb.

    I think it’s a major issue how he can see you covered in cuts and bruises but still does not take you seriously. He is legit intentionally not listening to you.

  3. Breakup-worthy? Absolutely. Your safety and well-being should be a top priority in any relationship, and your boyfriend’s disregard for your physical boundaries is a major red flag. It’s not just about the dog, it’s about his lack of respect for your feelings and the pain you’re experiencing. Don’t let anyone make you feel like the bad guy for standing up for yourself. You deserve someone who prioritizes your safety and respects your boundaries.

  4. Why are you fed up with the dog when it’s her owner who’s the AH?

    >My boyfriend will do things to rile her up like throw her toys up above me so she will jump up and land on me

    >He acts like it doesn’t hurt me, that I’m overreacting

    >he did something to rile her up a bit where she came to come stand on me

    This is the type of thing an immature 8yo might find amusing. A grown man doing this is verging on abusive.

  5. Your boyfriend is a shit dog owner. I would go as far as to say he should NOT own a dog.

    Dogs are like children. They need to be taught how to behave. They need to be trained from puppy. She’s now going to be much harder to train due to her age.

    I wouldn’t be in a relationship with someone as developmentally stunted as your boyfriend. He’s a complete twat.

    One day his playful little puppy will leap at a child thinking they want to play and get sued by the parents for hurting the child and the dog will be punished by being put down through no fault of its own.

  6. I’m a dog person and I would break up on two different counts.

    1. His apparent lack of training and management. I have a 90lb doofus, and if I’m concerned that he might climb all over people or hurt them, guess what? He goes on a leash. Manners are enforced.

    2. His lack of care for you is horrifying. If the dog is literally stabbing and cutting and bruising you with her nails, you would think a normal person would care? I care more about complete strangers than he cares about you.

  7. “Boyfriend, you are an irresponsible dog owner for not training your dog. There’s nothing hilarious about me getting trampled on or the fact that you egg the dog on. At this point, you need training just as much as the dog.”

    If he refuses to train his dog, then cut him loose.

  8. As an ex dog enforcement officer

    Every person that does this stuff (and i’ve come across a few when their dogs bit people or needed seizing) were always **very** low emotional/normal intelligence, normally late teens and early 20’s, 40’s really surprises me.

    You must see that in other areas, unless you’ve still got your love blinkers on?

  9. this is abuse by proxy and I’m so sorry for both you and the dog. Leave immediately as such things will escalate if nothing stops it (stops him).

    A man who does this to a person – and a dog – is not a good man

  10. Trainer here!

    Pitbulls love direction and thrive on enrichment. A firm hand is necessary. Thus does not mean hitting. For example, when the dog wants to jump, it’s asking for attention. Immediately turn your back and ignore the dog. You will have to do this more than once.

    If it continues to persist, grab the dog by the collar and firmly sit the dogs but while sternly saying sit. Keep hold of the collar. Also, make sure to have treats. When the dog settles, you will have to be persistent, give the dog a treat.

    Persistence, firmness, being stern is paramount. This doesn’t mean any negative enforcement.

    The dog wants direction.

    If the dog never listens to your partner, it will listen to you.

  11. The dog is an untrained bloodsport breed. Pit bulls are bred to have a very low arousal threshold and high game, i.e. something small may set it off and then it will clamp down and not let go.

    You can’t even push it off you when it’s trampling you, what are you going to do if it decides you’re prey? Just forfeit that arm?

    The other problem is that this guy seem to enjoy hurting you, he’s just using his vicious dog as a proxy. He’s abusing you with his dog.

    Get that gash cleaned in a hospital before you get sepsis and report it if you can. A sadist with a pit is particularly dangerous to society.


  12. 1) He doesn’t train the dog

    2) He riles the dog up so it wil bother you

    3) He doesn’t care that you don’t like it

    4) He dismisses your pain

    5) He doesn’t understand that solid mass of muscle will do damage to a 100lb woman

    This does not sound like he values or respects you. I wonder if he is trying to push you out but not be the bad guy.

    My SIL has a Pitbull and it hurts if it runs into you or even just wagging its tail.

    “It’s clear you value the dog more than me so I will leave you two to it.”

  13. He is not changing, he likes doing this to you. Don’t go to his apt. Anymore. Don’t let him bring his dog to your place.

  14. I mean… It’s pretty obvious that your boyfriend is the one you’re fed up with, not the dog, no?

  15. >My boyfriend will do things to rile her up like throw her toys up above me so she will jump up and land on me. He thinks it’s hilarious and when she does end up landing on me, he claims “oh I didn’t know it would land on you and she would get on top of you”.

    The reason to leave is that your boyfriend is an asshole.

  16. >My boyfriend will do things to rile her up like throw her toys up above me so she will jump up and land on me. He thinks it’s hilarious and when she does end up landing on me, he claims “oh I didn’t know it would land on you and she would get on top of you”. He acts like it doesn’t hurt me, that I’m overreacting

    THIS IS ABUSE!!! THIS IS ABSOLUTELY ONE FORM OF ABUSE. It is only going to get worse from here on out.

    He doesn’t care about your physical safety and he thinks it is funny that his dog is hurting you – NO WAIT, HE IS MAKING HIS DOG HURT YOU FOR SPORT.

    GET OUT!!!

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