Assuming both are straight

  1. Assuming their both straight is a pretty big assumption as many of my exes had best gay friends. Regarding straight friends… depends what personality they have. But at the end of the day ive personally never met a woman with a bunch of guy friends that hasnt (usually drunkenly) slept with at least one of them. So yeah i stay away. But i dont have any hate for em.

  2. Deep down, I’d prefer if it weren’t so, but I wouldnt want to be controlling and dictate who she can and cannot have around her life.

  3. I mean how close are we talking? Are they talking about our sex life constantly? Does he know every last intimate detail about her? Is she sleeping over his house and cuddling with him?

    If they’re that close I’d assume he’s just waiting for his “chance”. I wouldn’t be comfortable with that at all. Especially if she acted oblivious to that possibility.

  4. I listen to my instincts, which are based on 300,000 years of experience.

    If I “feel” something is wrong, then by definition, something is wrong.

    Far be it from me to interfere with a super close friendship.

    I’d move on.

  5. I used to have major issues with this. Then I grew up. If your girlfriend wants to cheat on you, she is going to cheat on you. No amount of controlling or policing her friend group is going to prevent this. It will only push her that direction – and ultimately you shouldn’t want to rob her of friends. She is a fully autonomous person who has a total right to live a full life outside of you, including continuing an existing relationship with her best friend.

  6. I don’t care. But if she fucks him, and i find out, they can have each other, but they’re also taking the kids, the dog, anything I’m paying for, it’s their’s now. I keep the house, because I want a place to live.

  7. Depends. If he’s an ex, we’re no longer together. If he seems sneaky, I bring it up to her with examples and if she ignores me, we’re no longer together. If i voice my concerns of outside influences that could interfere with our relationship and she doesn’t consider them seriously, she isn’t respecting the relationship and therefore is not worthy of the relationship.

  8. I’m that friend.

    I’m just as much of a threat as her brother.

    I see her as the sister that I never got and I’ll go miles on glowing coal for her, and I know she’d do the same for me.

    Yes, I know a helluva lot about you. When she’s mad at you and don’t want to talk to you I’m either protecting you or letting her anger flow, depending on if I think you’re a good person or not.

    If/when we meet treat me like a human instead of a threat and we’ll go along just fine. If you start yabbing on about how we’re secretly fuckin or going to betray you, then you’re just ending your relationship. That’s a mayor red flag.

    I love her like my own blood. If she gets a kid then I’d treat them like my nephew/niece.

    So yeah, if my partner had a close friend of the opposite sex like that, I’d love to meet him and get to know him.

  9. Absolutely no problem. I have female friends too. But I shouldn’t get asked. To me sex and love are separate things.

  10. My partner has two female close friends. I wasn’t okay with one of them. But I talked to him that I was jealous and explained why. He gave me reassurance that there is nothing happened between them. They are just friends and she is the only friend he has from his country. I’m still jealous, but I try not to.

  11. I’d have to meet this guy to gauge the relationship. If he’s sexually attracted to her it’s a no from me, but if he’s not interested then it’s all good.

  12. I was ok with it until she mentioned his name…a lot. She knew other people but mainly said his name and was always with him and sleeping over at his house.

    She broke up with me and started dating him right after.

  13. Make your live easier and don’t accept that in your relationship. Then you don’t need to ponder questions like this

  14. Depends very much on the two people. If they’ve never been interested in each other it’s possible it’s fine. My oldest, for many years closest, friend is a woman. But we never wanted to date.

    However, if he’s ever shown interest in her then it’s not ok. I don’t care if it was 20 years ago.

  15. My girlfriends best friends are twin brothers. I think they’re amazing people and I enjoy hanging out with them. Even if I didn’t like them, I would have a lot of respect for them and trust that they would keep her away from harms way, and much more as they have really helped her grow into who she is as a person

    Overall I have trust in them, but most importantly, I have trust in my girlfriend to not do the wrong thing. If you don’t have that trust, then simply don’t be with them. Don’t project your insecurities onto who they can and can’t hang out with just because they’re the opposite gender

  16. Easy pass for me. Im not saying there’s anything wrong with it. Plenty of opposite sex friendships are 100% platonic in every way. But there’s just so many women who dont have a male best friend, and Id rather date on of them.

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