I don’t know why but all my friends are starting to seem really boring. They’re humor feels like it’s only from social media and they never have anything to talk about other than what we’re currently doing at that very moment. And other people are also starting to annoy me. Everyone just seems to be super shallow and completely uninteresting. People older than me are the same. Am I becoming a social outcast😂

  1. so make new interesting friends, and if you dont find anybody interesting, start to question if your the boring one.

  2. Sounds like an Existential crisis. But that’s a good thing. You’re starting to not care about the minutia and frivolousness that your friends absorb themselves in and are seeking more meaning. When this happened to me I found meaning in religion and making friends through a church. Went from being a lifelong agnostic to a Christian and it’s the last thing I ever expected. But there’s something more fulfilling about being around people who talk vulnerably about a moral code and the associated moral struggles, purpose and meaning/ being a part of something bigger vs being around my past friends who just talked small Talk and drank alcohol to pretend we were having fun.

  3. You’re getting older. That’s why old people are grumpy. You just get depleted of fucks… you start losing patience for shit.

  4. This is normal as years pass. But we all have the friends we deserve. Making new and better ones is a neverending hard work.

    There’s definitely people in the world that would impress you if you knew them. What’s stopping you from meeting them ?

    Or maybe you simply don’t feel the need to socialize this much anymore.

  5. Ironically you aren’t exhibiting any of the traits you hope to find in others. Fine if you’re losing interest in others, but at least state what you thinks makes you that interesting and not annoying person.

  6. I feel like the quality of people has gone down drastically. Over the last 25 years or so society seems to be devolving, turning away from civility, kindness, charity, empathy, values like integrity, honesty. Half of the united states worships an orange artificially tanned failed television reality star criminal and fraud whoremonger bully. Yuck

  7. I found hobbies where I can socialise at the same time have been crucial in mitigating this. Board games, team sports, classes…

  8. Sounds like you need to find more interesting friends: comedians, performers, adventurers, inventors, etc.

  9. You’re an ass, start being a leader or teacher to these “boring people” instead of being a weirdo thinking these people are boring.

    If you’re incapable of being a leader or teacher to inspire the “boring people” to be more then “boring” in your eyes you just are jaded and immature and quite frankly have no power.

    I like math, thats what I care about, you seem to like gossiping on reddit about how un-shallow you are for the ego boost i assume.

    You are just as shallow, if not more, considering you are requesting external validation from strangers who you think will agree with you and tell you what you want to hear so you feel less lonely.

  10. i feel this so heavily. i dislike 99% of the people i meet. everyone is so predictable it’s fucking boring. most people are fucking stupid anyways like STUPID… no common sense whatsoever

  11. It can be a projection thing.

    How we judge others is how we judge ourselves.

    The way you measure yourself is how you measure others and how you assume others measure you.

  12. Sounds to me like you’ve just outgrown the environment you’re entrenched in. Time to start branching out or just accept that you’re gonna spend more time on your own for a while til circumstances change.

  13. Relatable. I love being as bitter as an 80 year old before even experiencing half of what life had to offer. It’s a real difficult situation, where there’s so much you could be having but everything sucks too much for you to have it.

  14. Don’t be friends with people you don’t actually like and harbour these feelings for the same way you wouldn’t want someone that dislikes you to pretend to be your friend. Respect their time and yours.

  15. It depends on what age you are. If you are very young, it is entirely possible that you are entering a new phase of development and becoming more demanding. You say that you are bothered by the superficiality and clichés that others use. How is it that you are only now noticing them?

  16. I agree with you in a sense. A lot of people I work with complain constantly, people are very emotionally unstable/ volatile and shallow and I have friends that when I talk to them just try to correct everything I say. I find myself wondering why I talk to anyone other than my partner, because he’s amazing. But he is very quiet and similar to us so I get lonely sometimes 😅🤷🏼‍♀️

    Side note, but sometimes it’s fun to pick people’s brains to see what kind of person they are and once you realize they are safe and you like their answers, these are the people that you should probably be friends with right? 🙂 maybe start a new hobby and meet new people.

  17. For me it was corona honestly, after corona people are just not as interesting to me or generally not the people they were before it. No one listens anymore, no one is interesting, people try wayy too hard to be too funny, everybody is addicted hard to social media and tiktok and whatnot, its really hard to keep up an interested face these days

  18. You might be suffering from a social circle that lacks the intellectual or emotional depth that you need, or you may be experiencing early stages of depression. If this change in your attitude also includes a lack of enjoyment in your usual pursuits and hobbies, you may want to consider reaching out for professional support.

  19. The things we see that bother us about the world are the things we refuse to see about ourselves. Accepting that is the only way I’ve ever managed to change the way life was treating me.

  20. You’ll find your tribe. You’re still young. I’m between tribes right now. Moved to a new city and still haven’t made friends. Only my bf and my cat lol. Learn to be content alone and sink into your hobbies and get to know yourself more.

  21. Remember that communication is not about expressing complex ideas or making a contest of who’s the smartest or most interesting. It goes back much further than those concepts, it’s just about people making connections with each other. It’s less about the content of what’s said and more about the connection and the good feeling of being with others. Embrace that, just because you’re not discussing philosophy doesnt mean it’s “shallow”. Human connection is deep.

  22. I think it’s true that social media is like, the only outlet people have. I have a few younger coworkers and the ONLY thing they talk about is “did you see this tiktok video…. I saw this video where….” Look for a club to join or meetup or hobby group or something…. Never hurts to try new things with new people!

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