Hi I’m 33yrs old M and ever since I can remember I have always had a hyper sex drive from the time that I was about 12 yrs old I could remember masturbating 2,3 times a day for yrs. I would go in to euphoria when I would have sex, but for the past 2 yrs my sex drive has been decreasing. I can still maintain a erection I can still orgasms but it’s not as strong as it use to be . I started to notice a change about 1yr a go where I would orgasm but I felt like it had a limit to it. I use to take anti depressions SSRI but during that time my orgasms where not effected by it at all and I stopped taking them about 3 yrs ago.Have any older men experience a change in there 30s?

  1. Welcome to getting older bud. This is what happens in life. In just a to few short years you’ll need reading glasses.

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