My partner and I definitely enjoy switching up who’s got the power in the bedroom, but usually it’s him who takes the final dominant position.
We like to playfight with eachother and I’d love to use this as a way for me to come out on top and as the dominant party. I think the problem is that I really struggle to overpower him!

He is an absolute unit (6ft 10in) and, whilst I’m taller for a girl (5ft 11in) I cannot for the life of me hold him down in a playfight!! Hes expressed interest in me ragging him around a bit, being the dominant one and getting aggressive with him in the bedroom but I need some tips as to how a smaller party can get a bit of an upper hand, maybe a few position ideas or moves I can use? Or at least command a bit of physical respect to create a mood?
Because I’m smaller I know I can be a bit more nimble and fast but I need to be able to get things spicy. I’d love to impress him and I know he’d love it. I think he struggles to get into the roleplay when we do wrestle because he knows he could easily overpower me, honestly I have 0 wrestling game at all.

  1. If he wants you to be dominant, tell him to just submit and let you take control. He don’t need to be aggressive and resist, try some restraints maybe. Talk about what he wants in details and give a go. Good luck !

  2. See if he’s into ropes, maybe you don’t rely on your own strength to restrain him but using ropes will make his movements limited then you can go to take the lead from there

  3. Femdom here – The problem is if he doesn’t want to be in a submissive position, he knows damn well he doesn’t have to be. There is very little you can do if he doesn’t want to be pinned down. All my subs submit because they WANT to. Even when they pretend to put up a fight, they don’t mean it or put their full strength in because they KNOW they would win – and that’s not the point.

  4. With that kind of height/weight/strength discrepancy than physically overpowering him just isn’t really an option. Outside of becoming a world class BJJ practitioner you aren’t going to be able to overpower him without him choosing to let you do so.

    Personally I’d suggest that you need to set the mood in other ways, his submission needs to be a psychological one, and any physical restraint will either need to be symbolic or through the use of bondage.

  5. If you like to spice up your wrestling domination, try to learn submission hold (lile brazilian jiu-jitsu hold) to make him submit with arm bar, triangle choke, etc.

  6. Does he know he’s supposed to give in and not treat playfight serious lol? You might wanna make him submit with words order him to put his arms behind him,tie him up things like that

  7. BJJ. Choke him out. Tie him up.

    Only partially kidding. Others said the main thing, he has to submit. It’s like any other role play, you just have to enter that mindset and play the role.

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