So my wife and I, we’ve been together for nearly 11 years, married two and a half. We both have our few but selected friends who we’ve known since school and have of course picked up friendships and have had them fade as time goes on. Does anyone else find as they push through their mid-thirties that friendships and groups seem to slowly dissipate? No one fell out with each other but (who we thought were) solid couples break up, people get married and what not. My wife and I have realised over the past year or so, the main circle who always seemed to fall into each other with plans for holidays abroad, birthday parties, nights out etc, has basically become solvent. Everyone seems to have faded into smaller cliques and is either too busy, far away or skint to get involved with plans anymore.

Sorry for the long post, it just makes us a bit sad is all. I think we’re entering that stage in life when just planning to do something basic means weeks of advance warning and even then people bail.

Not looking for a pity party, we still have long standing and solid friendships but it seems that no one can really be bothered anymore or is too busy.

I sincerely hope you’re all keeping well, thanks for reading and maybe replying with any comments from whom can relate.

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