Idk if this is a right place to ask but I’m rly freaking out and I’d be thankfu if my questions get answered and
My penis was erected and I rubbed it very hard using loofah in bathroom, at the end i realized it hurts and after coming out of bathroom, that night my penis started burning so much and I saw redness on my skin and some blood on my penis and underweaver, and if I’m not mistaken my penis was a little bit swollen too!
Now couple days has passed and I’m feeling better but it’s not fully healed and there are clots on Penis too( last night I washed area and i think it made it bleed again) but it doesn’t burn anymore.Also I saw some cream ish things on my glans and penis, is it infection? And I’ve few questions, is what happend a Penis friction? Might have I done a permanent damage to skin of my penis? Would it leaves scar on my penis?And what should i do now? Is getting erected during the healing process can cause damage and if there be hair around that area, is it bad?
I’m rly freaking out and I’d be thankfu if my questions get answered!

  1. Not a guy but I got some ideas.

    Using soap as lube isn’t the best thing to do as you might realize now. Going a bit to hard might lead to some friction sore spots which in return start burning together with the soap.

    Instead get a glass of coconut oil (which melts at body temperature, don’t use a ton or you might clog the drain after rinsing) or some Vaseline.

    Get some cream (Bepanthen (no idea if that’s a thing in your country) and put it on the spots. Regarding the tip rinse it with just water once a day. If the problem isn’t gone in 3 days then see a doctor for help.

  2. My question is why would you do that to yourself? Maybe get some Aquaphor it’s a healing ointment, and get rid of the loofah

  3. A loofah might not be the greatest tool for masturbation. I have no idea what kind of loofah you used, who used it beforehand and how old that loofah is. Loofah’s are made for washing, but a lot of them are made to exfoliate, basically scraping dead skin cells off your skin. Ouch.

    Add to that, a lot of people use their loofahs and leave them in the shower where they never really dry out. Really, it’s a heavy breeding ground for bacteria. Paired with the idea of people *sharing* the same loofah?

    Yeah, dude. Leave the loofah alone.

    Then there’s the soap. Soap dries your skin out, which is the opposite of what you need for masturbation. Simple masturbation, I’d recommend a water based lube.

    Depending on the soap you used, you could also have a perfume allergy which will inflame the skin. Use gentle, unscented soap for your genitals and only if you really need it, cause that skin is sensitive.

    The cream-ish thing can be because of the dryness/irritation. If you have yellow/greenish pus coming from there, see a doctor asap. If not, give it a few days to see if it gets better and the inflammation goes down. If it doesn’t, go see a doctor.

    It’s extremely unlikely to leave a scar, and getting an erection shouldn’t have a big influence on the healing process. Keep it clean, only using water for a while, and keep it dry, meaning that if you get wet from sweat, change your undies (you should really do that regardless, but a terrifying amount of people don’t). If you have a general problem with keeping dry, you can buy a barrier cream to protect your skin, but it shouldn’t be that necessary.

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