Hey guys,

Today, my boyfriend (both 19) and I had sex. However, the condom broke while he ejaculated inside me. We decided to take the morning-after pill, and I took it within an hour of the incident. My period is due in 7 days, so I just wanted to know what the chances of the pill failing are. I’ve heard that the pill may be less effective after ovulation. However, I must have ovulated over a week ago (jugding by the app) because I have a regular 30-31 day cycle. I am really scared about the possibility of being pregnant.

  1. You took plan-B within the hour?

    You’re probably fine, like 99 coin flips out of 100 fine

    Still be vigilant, but don’t overthink it either, you’re probably okay

  2. your chance is under 1%. still be careful and take care of yourself. make sure the condom and semen are not inside of you anymore, and refrain from sex until after your next period

  3. You are probably fine but do be aware that stress can also delay your menstruation even if you aren’t pregnant.
    So it’s possible that you will still be late. Relax and give it a bit more time if that happens. A lot of us have been in this situation.

  4. The pill should work, but the anxiety and stress may throw your cycle off. Give it a couple days and take a test to confirm. I know it’s scary, but take this as a lesson and modify what you and your bf do. He can learn to pull out, maybe looking at birth control, maybe look at a different condom brand. Try and both of you relax and don’t blame each other. Hope things work out.

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