I (25 f) broke up with my boyfriend (25 m) a couple months ago. We dated for seven years. Lately tings have been pretty rough. The last couple of years we have kind of been drifting apart. Our work was on opposite schedules so we really only saw each other for about an hour or so a day. A couple of the biggest reasons we ended up drifting apart was because for me, we never spent time together, and he tries throwing money at the issue. He never wanted to talk about how we could work on our relationship to strengthen it, he just thought if he took me on expensive dates then everything was fixed. He also always figures out a way to put himself in a victim role, even if it means being a hypocrite.
For him, he got jealous of how much time i was spending with my male best friend. He thought our friendship was too close and it crossed a boundary for him. I ended up spending a lot more time with this friend than my boyfriend because me and my friend had very similar schedules. This was over the course of almost two years of me spending more time with my friend than my bf, all while i was asking my bf for ways to fix us. It got to the point where i ended up developing feelings for my male best friend. I told my boyfriend about the situation because it was confusing and it made me feel guilty, and i probably shouldn’t have spent so much time with him, but he was the only friend i had. I never told my friend about my feelings (still haven’t and dont plan to) and i certainly haven’t ever acted on them
It’s gets harder though. I won the rich family lottery, and my aunt, bless her for her generosity, bought me a house. (Mostly because i had mentioned to my mom that i was scared me and my boyfriend were going to break up and i didnt know what i would do because i had nowhere to go, then she told my aunt and my aunt bought my home so if things didnt work out between me and my bf, I wouldn’t be homeless but anyways!) the issue is, even with both of our incomes, living would still be expensive. We needed a roommate.
I asked five different people before i resorted to asking the friend i had feelings for, and i half hoped he would say no, but while everyone else fell through, my friend ended up moving in with us, and while it was necessary for financial reasons, it may have been the final straw in my relationship.
At some point, my bf had been pestering and guilting e about intimacy and it started pushing me away from him. I’ve struggled on and off with an ED and being intimate is really hard. I feel vulnerable and disgusting, but i dint want to tell him that so all i would say was stuff like “im not in the mood”. Those excuses were eventually not enough, so i took it a step up and started acting like HE was the problem. (Also a bad decision on my part and i know i was projecting, i just feel like I shouldn’t have had to fight so hard if at all for my “no” to be respected). He got even more jealous over time because i would spend time in my friends room watching tv on his bed, or next to him on the couch. The door was always open and i never had anything to hide, and would even often go out of my way to tell my by what i was doing with him/ when/ where in case he needed reassurance, but in all honesty I shouldn’t have been that close to my friend…
Eventually i could tell we were both wearing thin, and i could see on his face that he wasn’t in love with me anymore, and i felt like he was just staying out of the convenience of cheaper rent, so i ended things.
I think the breaking point for me was having my bf constantly pressure me about kicking my only close friend out of the house because he was jealous, and at some point in the past i had said that the friend wouldn’t be here forever, but he was being hypocritical because his brother lived with us at the time, but was refusing to move out on the date he said he would and pushed his move out date back by 5 months while another different friend of mine who was pending homelessness was sleeping in my garage waiting for the room that my boyfriends brother was taking up. My bf kept saying “dont kick my brother out, he’s my family and i care about him and i dont wasn’t to be a bad brother and my family would hate me if you kicked him out” , but he still fully expected me to kick out the friend he was jealous of, even though that would make me a bad friend and would probably ruin my friendship with that person.

Anyways these are the major reasons we ended up breaking up, but recently we have both been going to therapy and working on ourselves, and we are both considering getting back together in the future because while the relationship ended in a rough way, when it was good, it was the best seven years of my life. He is funny, and kind and smart and handsome, he is capable of achieving amazing things and i fully respect and admire who he was a couple years ago when we were happy. i think with a few adjustments to how we are living, we could be that happy again, and im still in love with him, and i think he still loves me too. I guess im just worries that my head is still very clouded from how recent all of this is, so i guess my question is, should i start making those changes now to make us work, or should i wait a while and heal some more first, but risk having him move on and miss my chance to fix things?

  1. He is fully moved out now besides he needs to get his turtle, but i think if we start dating again he wont be able to move back in for a while. I would want to start over completely, i need to build that trust again. One of my other big issues about the relationship was that he was constantly making and failing commitments

  2. Also when we moved in i struggled SO HARD to find a room mate, but a couple months later my boyfriends brother wanted to move in, so he did, and later after that my other friend , lets call him Brian, wanted to move in as well. If any of that had happened at the beginning, my crush friend wouldn’t be living with us at all, i wanted to avoid it because i knew it would cause problems, but financially, i didn’t have a choice, especially because the other two people wanting to move in was abrupt and unexpected. If i had known that either of them were going to move in later, i would have just worked extra hours and waited and budgeted and made it work for a while

  3. Also please dont be too mean to me im depressed and autistic and i have anxiety and i have never made a Reddit post

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