I used to stay at my mates house most Fridays when I was a teenager back in the 90’s. First we’d roam the streets just messing about. Then we’d go in and make some messed up concoction of food. Play some Megadrive then watch some Friday night TV like Red Dwarf, Ren & Stimpy, The Word, Penn and Teller… and eventually fall asleep on the sofas/chairs.

  1. Go on Omegle. Seems so incredibly perverse looking back that there were so many creepy men just sat with their dick out happily chatting to a group of young teenage girls but we thought it was beyond hilarious!

  2. All the things you said but also sneak out at 1am to just wonder the neighbourhood in the dark.

  3. Used to have a group of us back in the mid-late 90’s that, once a month or so, we’d pile over one persons house with our computers for a lan party. Great times, the six of us up all night with massive games of C&C, Doom, Duke Nukem 3D, Rise of the Triad, Quake and so on… scrambling to figure who’s accidentally kicked which dodgy bit of thin ethernet cable that’s made us all freeze in place before the game times out a crashes.

    Things were so much more fun before the rise of internet console gaming….

    Edit: Of course the obligatory teenage boys thing of sneaking out for a ciggy at 2am, or making a bottle of something that could only be described as smelling like shampoo by mixing a little bit of everything from the parents drink cabinet.. etc etc.

  4. Watch horror films, make up cringey dances, eat a lot of snacks, talk to boys on MSN messenger.

  5. we would get really high and really drunk, play guitar, and play video games. we’d watch movies, make snacks, and sometimes order takeout. we’d chat and laugh and talk about our dreams and our feelings.

    i still do all of these things, but the memory of it is far more beautiful than the present reality.

    oh, to be a teenager again.

  6. Girls version – we’d watch American high school films (Bring It On, She’s All That etc). Play stupid games like Truth or Dare (without leaving the house or waking parents so you know… limited scope) or paper games like Consequences, mostly centred around who we fancied, or ask each other stupid questions like “would you rather kiss [gross teacher] or [other gross teacher]?” Pillow fights. My mum would let us each have a Peach Archer’s. Innocent times and fond memories haha

  7. When I was about 12/13 it’d be meat and chips from the kebab shop Friday night then watch WWE smackdown the next morning. Those were the days

  8. Rent films from blockbuster, go to ASDA for a bunch of snacks and sweets, talk to each other about our problems, share internet videos with each other, confess secrets, talk about our favourite musicians/listen to music, play those flash games online.

  9. We went ‘Milking’ once , this was back when milk was delivered to your doorstep. We’d take a bottle or two then ran back. One day my mate took it too far and there were 30 odd bottles of milk in the kitchen when his parents woke up. Didn’t see him for a few weeks after that.

  10. Watch films and play games all night, then have a “midnight feast”

    As I moved into Teen years, sleepovers turned into drunk sessions and all nighters

  11. The first time I went to a sleepover in secondary school, my two mates put on gay porn after about 30 minutes of being there. That night, I was supposed to be in a sleeping bag on the floor and they were sharing a bed.

    Now, I don’t judge people based on their sexuality, but I didn’t fancy sticking around any more after that so I just went home and never had another sleepover. None of us ever spoke of it again.

  12. Go out cow tipping, rough it in the woods (so not actually staying at the house we were meant to be at) get drunk. Trolley racing on Asda car park at 2am. Go down to the milk depo at 4am and ask to help on the floats for a quid and a bottle of milk.

  13. Go to the shops for snacks and sweets, go to the video rental place and get a film to watch, play around with make-up, wind each other up by hiding everybody’s stuff, one of my friends lived on a farm so if we were at her house we’d go quadbiking all over the fields and then sneak out to the cowshed to see the newborn calves in the night.

  14. I think by the time we were getting wasted, watching porn and passing out on each other sofas it wasn’t called sleepovers anymore. More like just “not making it home”

    “Sleepover” is like 9yo Haribo at midnight vibes

  15. Watch Eurotrash and other soft stuff in channel 5.

    We also used to order a taxi or pizza to the houses across the road and watch from behind the curtains as the confusion unfolded, seems really petty now but when you’re 14 it was hilarious.

    Apart from that just go to Tesco and get “munch” (crisps chocolate etc) then stay up late playing video games GTA 3/VC, PES etc.

    Good times.

  16. One of the lads said he was going to have a wank before going to sleep. He made the usual motions and noises and we all thought he was messing about, until he tried to smear his jizz covered hand on the rest of us. Last I heard he was a local councillor.

  17. We’d walk around at 1am and jump into hedges.

    In the small town we were in you’d be surprised by the amount of blokes who’d be watching porn at this time in their livingroom with their curtains open.

    Also whoever fell asleep first got farted on. A lot.

  18. A lot if practice kissing. I thought that was typical but later figured out it was not. I just wanted to make out with everyone. #bisexual #closetcase

  19. Threw a mixture of foods and sauces into a saucepan and boiled it to see what we got lol.

    I vaguely remember digestive biscuits, marmite and teabags.

  20. Was the late 2000s/early 10s for me cause I was 6 when the 90s ended. Girls night! Steal alcohol or bribe olders to buy it for us, drinking games, hotboxed my tiny damp bedroom, maybe went out to the park wasted and played on the big swing, sometimes make out with each other.

  21. We’re the same age I think. Almost identical.

    Once we wrestled and recorded it on my dad’s camcorder. Weeks later my dad wanted to show his mate something on the camcorder and i was mortified to walk in on them laughing at the footage. I thought I’d be in trouble by my dad was chuffed we were getting up to ‘normal boy things’ when they’d trusted me on my own in the house with my mates (they used to go away a lot).

    Ah good times.

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