Feels like you can get more done on a weekday off anyway, banks and doctor’s offices are open, restaurants are cheaper, stores less busy, etc.

  1. because the typical workweek is mon-frid and that is bad enough. Many just work for the weekends anyway

  2. Weekends are when most people are off, so that’s when I can most easily enjoy time with other people.

  3. Not knocking anyone’s job or situation, but I personally didn’t pursue a higher education and pay my dues to be working weekends.

  4. Everyone above a certain age usually works Mon-Fri. If I ever want to see my friends, that’s the only time I can. Having a family takes up a lot of your schedule.

  5. Before I had a kid, Sunday – Monday were my absoulte favorte days off. Could always hang out later on a Saturday if I wanted. Sunday was a quiet day, Monday I could get everything done that was needed.

    After I had a kid: Saturday Sunday was just better all around with kiddo.

  6. Because most people work Monday-Friday. Having to work during a time that’s likely designated as peoples off time would rightfully not be the way you’d want to spend your weekends

  7. From personal experience, my wife is off work on the weekends and my kids are off school. It sucks the few times I’ve had to work or travel for work on the weekends and leave them at home.

    I’ve had single friends who worked regular weekends but got off 2 days during the week complain because all their friends were always working on the days they had off so they sat at home doing nothing.

  8. Easy answer. I have kids. Before kids I worked jobs where I would work weekends and have random days off and I do get what you’re saying. It’s really nice having a random week day off and everything being laid back, etc. but these days I’d rather work while the kids are at school/daycare and hang out with them on the weekends.

  9. Is this specific to men? Are women just out there jonesing for more work to do on their days off?

  10. Umm this isn’t a gendered thing…. The vast majority of people work Monday-Friday and have weekends off

  11. Most people don’t like working during the week, why would we like working during the weekend?

  12. Why would you like working the weekend? Most people have the weekend off, so it’s time to spend with family/ friends. I don’t think about work from the second I swipe out on Friday until the moment I swipe in Monday

  13. Well, you’re assuming working on the weekend gets me a weekday off in exchange. That’s not always the case

  14. I love working on the weekend. On my own stuff, inspiration permitting. Not for other people, and none of this real life shit, thanks

  15. For most guys it’s how their days off align with their spouse’s days off. It’s all about family time. Time is worth more than money when you’re not living for yourself.

  16. Because none of my buddies are off during the weekdays. If they were, I’d have no problem with it

  17. If I could have Sundays and Mondays off work, I’d like it because I dislike Mondays. Always have, always will. But office jobs means it’s a standard weekend I have off.

  18. > banks and doctor’s offices are open, stores less busy,

    Things I only need to do very very rarely. I only hit up a grocery store twice a month. Doctor’s office I might only go a couple of times a year. A bank I only go to once every decade or so.

    >restaurants are cheaper

    I don’t know where you live but where I live, restaurants don’t adjust their prices just because it’s a monday and it’s one of their slowest days. And seeing as I can still go to a restaurant on a Monday, after work, it’s really a pointless argument.

    I personally don’t care what days I have off of work, as long as it’s at least 2 days off in a row. But Weekends are when Most people have days off, so it’s simply better to also be one of those people if you intend to do anything with others and not sit at home by yourself. If all my friends are off on Saturday and Sunday, me having Monday and Tuesday off is kind of pointless if I ever want to spend any time with them doing anything for more than an hour or so.

  19. I stopped working in a career that would have had me working weekends when I got married and knew I wanted be home with my kids on the weekend.

  20. I don’t work Monday/Wednesday mornings so I can enjoy an empty shooting range. I typically make up for it by working half days on the weekends. For me, it’s not about the work though, because I generally enjoy my work much more than typical weekend activities.

  21. I use to have Monday and Tuesday off and I loved it. I worked Wednesday to Sunday. Weekend penalty pay was great and I still went out on the weekend after work. My weeks felt very short and days off felt so long but I think it came down to still going out on weekends after work. A lot of people at that job hated working weekends though, they miss out on their kids sports etc.

  22. For the most part I wouldn’t mind it if I was still only working 40 hours or less but the annoyance comes when your schedule doesn’t align with those close to you.

    It would be miserable if my wife and I never had a day off together because she had Saturday Sunday off and I had Monday Tuesday.

  23. A ton of reasons, mainly though that American society is kind of based around many people being off on Sat and Sun. Like, most festivals and events are on weekends. Since so many people have that schedule, thats when you’d be most likely to spend time with friends and family. Also, that’s when schools are off, so especially if you have kids, you’d prefer being home with them, both to spend time with them, and also if they do any extracurricular activities like sports, that is probably also happening on the weekends

    Me personally, I work Tue-Sat and I think it’s perfect. Enough weekend time to enjoy the weekend activities, but still get a weekday for errands and stuff

  24. This isn’t a gender thing, it’s a preference thing. I personally agree with your point, and i know a lot of men and women who don’t agree.

  25. Three words- Condensed Work Week. Every two weeks you get either Monday or Friday off as well as the weekend.

  26. Because that’s when people typically have days off and can hangout, plus a lot of events happen on the weekend.

  27. Everyone else is off on the weekend. Why would I want to work when I could be hanging out with my friends, family, or SO?

  28. Why would i? I already work mon-fri. Even if i could swap some days it would be pointless. Almost everyone else works mon-fri

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