I’m 20F and now she’s crying and stuff, after finding my dildo. Now she’s crying, telling me I shouldn’t sleep with guys bla bla bla she’s being so emotional

and apparently she talked to the landlord today and she asked my mom what my job is and she’s guessing the reason why they asked me what my job is because the landlord heard me fucking or sum and they want us out. (Which I find ridiculous and weird) don’t know what to do I don’t even know if I did shit wrong. I need advice and what’s going on this is beyond stressful

  1. Your landlord wants you out cause you fuck? What is this an apartment complex for nuns?

  2. “So I was an immaculate conception? You don’t like orgasming? You hated every second of my conception?”

  3. What does any of this have to do with what your job is? Why does your landlord need to know that?

    If your mom wants to cry because you masturbate or have sex – let her. She can feel however she wants about it.

    This post makes no sense and I cant determine what if any advice you’re looking for.

  4. Apparently your mother does not have a positive attitude towards sex. You’re an adult and sex (or a toy in this case) is healthy and normal. Not to mention what you are doing in the privacy of your own home is none of your landlord’s damn business.

  5. This whole post is weird. I get you and your mom are having issues, but you’re landlord wants you out due to masturbating? Huh? I’m not sure what your job is and how that ties in with this?

  6. >telling me I shouldn’t sleep with guys

    … but it’s a dildo. Not a guy.

    Other than that, it most likely wouldn’t be legal at all for your landlord to throw you out no matter how much sex you’ve been having, and if he’s been asking about your sex life, thats harassment.

  7. You’re a grown ass woman, you can do as you please. You don’t need permission or acceptance from anyone.

    As long as what you’re doing isn’t illegal or harming anyone else, it’s nobody’s business but yours. Have fun, stay safe.

  8. Don’t even know where to start with this one lol 1. You are an adult and your mother has no say in your sex life 2. Masturbating is perfectly natural and honestly safer than having sex if that’s really what she’s “worrying” about 3. Why would any of that relate to what you do for a job??? And 4. Your relationship with your mom seems very toxic if she’s going through your stuff and throwing a hissy fit over her adult child having a dildo like wtf????

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