I hope my story helps someone. I dated a guy for two years that started working for NWM as a financial advisor one year ago after moving to be closer to me. We were both excited that he had landed a job with the company, although his initial introduction to the company was quite different. To further explain, he had been shared as a reference as someone who may possibly need a policy. However, oddly enough once he started speaking with the advisor and shared that he already had an advisor and was familiar with trading he was offered a job. We blindly jumped up and down at the thought of being one step closer to a family. He went on two interviews and was told he had the job. He quit his high earning engineering position in the previous town and moved to the new area to start training. Training did not include pay and he went M-F sitting in lectures. I remember being so proud of him when he finished. Needless to say that was in April so the upcoming summer we went to the conference in Milwaukee, Wisconsin where I discovered that the company was a full on cult. They recruit a lot of young adults 21-25 and promise them that they will be millionaires in 5 years. They kept asking how we were feeling, telling tear jerking stories about how the company is so good, invited A- list celebrities to perform and also raving about the amount of money each person on stage earned. There is alcohol every where you look at the conferences and the young adults are literally drunk at work events. I was disgusted to say the least. I told my partner what I noticed and he agreed that something was off. At that moment we discussed leaving it all. However, once we left the conference he had a very convincing meeting with his boss and decided to be all in. He has lost so much money. I’m sure his credit cards are maxed out. He is responsible for paying an assistant a 65k salary, client dinners, tower memberships, they even convinced him to lease a vehicle. This company will have you chasing every dime to get rich while trying to keep up with the Jones’s . I saw his integrity fade to greed right in front of my eyes for the last year. I don’t want any other couple to experience this. I read the reviews and thought we would be different, but no. The most recent situation was his brother announcing a new child and him mentioning offering him life insurance when we got in the car. Every person becomes a dollar here. I would not recommend this company to anyone wanting a sustainable relationship. Your partner changes. The culture of the company is so toxic. They do weekly reviews and talk negatively about under performers on group chats an during meetings. One guy was >40k in debt after working here and reports that he now wants to transition from the sales aspect. They advertise themselves as a Christian company to make people vulnerable, but it is everything but that. You have to have a strong mind and trust your senses this is not for you. There are better companies. I hope this experience helps someone. My partner no longer desires marriage or kids after working here. Our relationship has dissolved. Now he only is focused on the next dollar amount.

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