[original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Marriage/comments/uljsh7/husbands_coworker_came_to_my_work_and_made_claims/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)

The name the woman gave me, and the name she gave my coworkers (while signing up for our loyalty program) were two different names. She physically matches the description of the friend, but her name was not familiar to my husband.

However, my husband reported the whole incident to his hr manager. The hr manager happens to be our neighbor, and is very uptight- she does not entertain silly games (thankfully)

Hes also agreed to distance himself from the friend; keeping things strictly professional and only doing breakfast when its a group order (something they do once a month as a team)

He explained his initial reaction as simply being confused. He couldnt understand why this person would say such things and was concerned about her intents, as well as possible effects on his job (if she’s willing to do this, what else would she do?)

Hes also been taking every opportunity to point out how those statements wouldnt make sense for him to make. Especially because rumors fly fast at work and my brother works there as well, so it would obviously get back to me. This is true, my brother and i are very close, and he has high expectations in relationships. He would certainly say something if my husband were to speak poorly or engage in inappropriate behavior

Im proud of the steps my husband took without my suggestions and also of the ones he took by my request. I’m still worried about this womans motives, but I’m happy to say i believe my husband was probably more innocent in this than i initially thought.

Thank you for all the advice, and while i believe my husband is being honest, i intend to stay more aware until this is resolved completely.

You all are wonderful!

  1. >The hr manager happens to be our neighbor, and is very uptight- she does not entertain silly games (thankfully)

    Hopefully that means she’ll be put firmly in her place

  2. I’m enjoying reading all the “EMOTIONAL AFFAIR!” comments on your previous post. 🙄

  3. Anytime you wonder about why someone does something, or if you don’t know who is doing something, always ask *cui bono,* who benefits?

    I hope it goes ok for your husband, in today’s employment environment it is almost always guilty until proven innocent for men. Good thing that the woman went to your job, going to be hard for her to tap-dance out of that one.

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