My brother’s brother in law tends to joke around with me and I’ll also kinda act jokey as well(just how I am)… he makes me a little uncomfortable because he’s very hyper (will take a pic of me on his phone with my niece or one time he kept hugging me) but luckily I rarely see him.. I mentioned this to my brother after he left…saying he’s such a weird person as a vent but didn’t realize my bro will tell his wife when I asked not to. I told them both please don’t say anything to him because I was acting friendly too and next time I know to be reserved and wanted to give benefit of doubt.

Anyways they were adamant( he is married and has a baby on the way)they explained this is a bigger issue( I guess he does drugs) my brother sent him this long message saying that it looks like he’s flirting with me and how to basically behave next time.. now his brother in law has told all his family members including his wife. This caused bigger issue with their fam. Now they are doing damage control and telling them I will also not be so jokey.

Am I wrong for being mad? I didn’t think of this to be that serious and now I feel like I’m “that” girl. The one who thinks this guy is trying to get with me. He was also raised around sisters so I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt.

My brother admitted he wanted to also make sure he tells him because one time his brother in law checked him on acting up with his wife… so I feel this was more for my brother. I feel hurt as my opinion was not valued and now everything will be awkward. I regret venting to my brother(we aren’t super close he’s very competitive) and now he tells me yea if you’d didn’t say anything I wouldn’t have said anything.. earlier he said he kinda noticed the behavior and wanted to defend me. My bro and sis in law tend to not take me seriously and usually look down on me because I haven’t reached milestones like them.

Please give me your thoughts. Am I taking this too serious?

TLDR: brother told his in law to stop acting flirtatious around me

  1. Your bro was looking after you. He could see that your BIL was acting inappropriately and tell that for whatever reason you weren’t erecting boundaries to stop him, so he stepped in.

    I get that you don’t want to make a scene. But this isn’t just about you and your feelings. Its not ok that your BIL flirts with you. Its not innocent fun. It’s not fair to your sister. Its not comfortable for your brother to witness.

    In a few years you are going to look back on this and be thankful that your brother called him out and shake your head that you went along with your BILs selfish and gross behavior. You just haven’t given it enough thought yet.

  2. So your brother used you in a petty act of one-upmanship with his BIL? Distance yourself from all of them. You don’t need the drama.

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