1 (23 M) had a plans with my male friend to hangout today
but he met this girl yesterday and invited her to our hangout. She said yes. Then told her I was coming.
Should I go? I don’t wanna be a third wheel and feel like it’s gonna be weird. I told him are you sure you want me to go? He responded yeah but said “if she’s says no I’m sorry but I’m going”. I don’t play him he’s been trying really hard for a gf. But I don’t see the point of me going to this. Just be a third wheel on this date? Any advice?. I haven’t responded.

  1. Ask/communicate with your friend. It could be that he actually wants you there for support or what have you. But you won’t know till you ask.

  2. Bail.

    If he’s the kind of guy who’s going to score off of you to “impress” her, just bail.

  3. Im confused on why you would even go OP. I’m also surprised no one mention how it was just supposed to be y’all at first and he felt it was appropriate to invite a girl he doesn’t even know fully to go out. This friend is also known to put you down on multiple occasions when it comes to “looking good” in front of women. Him not having any other friends is on him. Not you.

    He needs you there so he has someone to put down in order to look good. Why even put yourself in that situation in the first place? Do whatever you want but I’d tell your friend to grow a pair and go on his date alone – like normal people do. And to also not invite a date to a friend hangout. I mean tf is that about

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