My (f30) bf (m33) likes having sex 3-4 times a week and it’s about 1-1,5 hour long. He makes me cum 2-3 times. Orgasms are different. I recently knew that he masturbates everyday when we are not having sex. He says it’s okay, it makes him sleep better and he wants it anyway. Also the masturbation gives him time to make me cum a few times.
And if he doesn’t do it then it’s all that he can think of. I’m kinda disappointed. I thought I give him all he wants. But I can’t have sex all the time.
Are you guys masturbate this much as well?

  1. Nothing wrong with a bit of self play. Doesn’t mean in any way not attracted to you

  2. Yes, I masturbated every night in bed and my gf would lick and suck my nipples to increase my pleasure

  3. Taking care of yourself, even when you’re in a relationship, is totally cool. It’s actually healthy, and it doesn’t mean there’s any issue

  4. It sounds like you are completely happy your sex life but for some reason want to sabotage it by obsessing over his masturbation habits. Masturbation isn’t solely a substitute for sex. It’s time for someone to connect with their own body, release, explore…whatever. Don’t make it about you.

  5. This is my own point of view and applies to me.

    I hate masturbating when in a relationship.

    If I have to masturbate, then we aren’t having sex enough. If we aren’t having sex enough, then I need to leave the relationship.

  6. Would you feel like having sex with him on a daily basis? Is that why you are unhappy with him masturbating? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)

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