If you won the lottery of millions…whats the first thing you would do ?

  1. The very first thing I’d do is give everyone I care for a million each (depending on how many millions) I’d pay off my mortgage and set up some sort of music charity that would provide kids with free instruments and lessons. Playing music has been a blessing in my life and have made many friends through it. I’d like that to be the same for others

  2. Pay for (potentially lifesaving) surgery for a family member. Then make sure all my family and friends and their family are financially secure. Then buy a house and build a music studio with a lot of instruments and a sweet garage for woodworking and stuff. Then maybe get some nice takeout and be happy.

  3. Quit my job and travel for three months to completely de stress and contemplate on my new future.

  4. I’d hire a financial advisor and probably invest 80% of it and have 20% into it for treating myself

  5. Pay the taxes. Build a house, set up a personal trust for my family, invest quite a large sum in long term and short term investments and live off the interest.

  6. 1. Make sure my 3 daughters are financially secure for the rest of their lives.

    2. Give my wife the tropical vacation she deserves, every year.

    3. Pay off the mortgage.

    4. Buy my dream car: a Renault Clio RS 2.0.

  7. Find a lawyer and financial adviser. Invest most of the money.

    And then i’d spend a good amount of time contemplating what i really want from life.
    Since money is no longer an issue, the sky is the limit.

  8. I am working towards doing triathlons so my first thing would be spending money on decent training materials, coaching, rent a swim lane for only myself, travel to train under different circumstances,…

    Other than that I would pay off my mortgage.

  9. Throw my resignation at my employer, waltz out and start over knowing that this time, things are going to be better if the money is spent wisely

  10. Get a lawyer, get a financial adviser, get a new phone/line because a good number of people will never hear from me again.

  11. donate 1/3 of it to family. they have suffered and endured a lot to help each other to live better lives with better opportunities.

    invest 1/3 in stock market. yolo. hahaha.

    spend 1/3 on travel with my immediate family, luxury flights and hotels.

  12. Quit my job. The paycheck is the only think keeping me in the workforce. I’d rather be a free man.


    OK so maybe the VERY first thing I’d do is get some takeaway without worrying about how it’s a “waste of money”.

  13. Call my financial advisor. Get a lawyer. Figure out the logistics and whatnot. Have most of it invested long term

    Quit my job. Go on vacation.

  14. Lawyer, financial advisor, name change, and stealthy exit to new address. Erase any trace of my old life. I heard just the sheer number of e-mails and letter you get begging for money is maddening. Your relatives will be the first in line as well.

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