My sex drive comes and goes, and it’s pretty low right now. I’m feeling self conscious about it. I also don’t even want to masturbate. Soooo my questions for the community are:

1. how often do you masturbate?
2. Is masturbating only once a month cause for concern? Sometimes once every other month!

  1. Some people have high libido, some have low. Masturbation is not a set quota that must be met, so if you feel like scratching an itch once a month and thinks that’s your jam then that is your jam. That being said I think it’s a bit on the lower side of the scale. I usually go once a day, but then again I have also gone multiple months in a row without feeling the need nor urge

  2. According to American sex educator Emily Nagoski, libido is a dopamine motivational system, and she explains that you have to give your brain something worth wanting in order for it to motivate you to seek it out. In other words, pleasure comes first, then the desire to seek it.out.

    So I’d go back to the basics of pleasure. Have a nice bath, get some nice massage oil and have a solo date night with yourself.

    Also, cut yourself some slack. If your life is really busy or stressful right now, now’s not the right time to try and troubleshoot your sex drive.

  3. Do you orgasm when you masturbate? And if so how easily do you orgasm when you masturbate?

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