Lady’s do dick pics have the same effect on you as pussy pics have on men? Men crave pussy and, speaking for myself, I love looking at pussy, it is a turn on. Do women get horny looking at a dick pic.

  1. I think it depends on the situation! For me personally, I love getting dícked down & giving blowjobs but don’t really like díck picks. Usually I’ll tolerate them if I’m romantically interested in the guy but if it’s some random stranger, big nope! Idk maybe that’s just me 🤷🏻‍♀️

  2. Yeah I’m pretty sexual, and very much passionate about adoring my husband’s dick. I was always that way, going back 30 years to high school with prior partners.

    I have never enjoyed receiving a dick pic.

    I’d far rather have the real deal, the smell and heat of it. And I do have serious misgivings about security and privacy. If it’s a dick that I want to see, I don’t want anyone else seeing it.

  3. Sometimes – if it’s a means for foreplay then definitely. I have to be in the mood and know that 10 other girls aren’t getting the same pic

  4. If it’s my boyfriend or someone I’m sexually active with on the regular yeah , preferably nut video with sound ON! love that

  5. Yes. I do get turned on by it. I actually enjoy seeing several pics and observing the difference between them. I do erotica writing, so it helps to get a good look at the different kinds of cocks. All cocks are unique in their own way.

  6. Only if I’m in a relationship with the guy and make it clear that I like/want his dick. If a man I’m with sends me a pic of his dick hard telling me I made him hard or “this is what you do to me”, then UMM YES PLEASE. Unsolicited dick pics from strangers are no bueno…just no.

  7. Lol alright I’ll speak up for the rest of us women – nope, dick pics don’t do a thing for me. Keep in mind that every subreddit attracts different people and this one definitely has some bias 🙂

  8. I would like to say I don’t “crave” looking at someone’s vagina.

    I’d rather look at and engage with the person it is attached to.

    This person does not speak for all of us.

  9. If it’s someone I’m dating or my partner. That’s literally the only way it would be appealing to me. A random dick from a random person is not going to do it for me. Actually, I personally think unsolicited dick pics, for most women, are revolting.

  10. My gf asks for pictures of my pretty shy and usually shy away from that. But yeah, I would say it turns them on if they are interested in you.

  11. No, not at all. A disembodied penis does nothing for me and most of the time is more of a turn off lol

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