I (20F) and my fiancé (20F) are so compatible and amazing together in every way, including the bedroom. The problem is, she has a very low sex drive due to just starting out on estrogen as well as chronic canker sores. I understand completely why she doesn’t want to be intimate, but it’s still difficult when we haven’t had sex for 2 months straight. Sex is so vital to me and our connection and I don’t know how to navigate the feelings of my need for intimacy when I know she doesn’t want it. Sex makes me feel loved and appreciated and when we don’t have it for so long I definitely notice a shift in how insecure I get about things. Would just branching out to a few different sex toys fill that void in my heart or do I just wait it out until we have the chance to have sex every once in awhile. It’s a very difficult topic, any advice would be much appreciated

  1. It doesn’t get better when you get married, if anything, it will get worst. If physical intimacy and affection is a big issue for you, this is something you need to have a real gentle and deep discussion with your fiancé about. Do you want to be in a sexless marriage? Don’t put yourself in a position where you may end up divorcing or committing adultery down the road. Sex toys will not fill the intimacy and affection void. It is possible she has nutrient deficiencies causing her low drive, and it’s definitely the cause of the canker sores. Have her take a quality women’s milt vitamin, d3/k2 supplement, and a b complex. Over the course of a month or two, the canker sore issue will be taken care of. Perhaps even with the right nutrients, and a gentle conversation, her sex drive will improve to.

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