A week or two ago I (18F) went to a fast food place and there was a guy (19M) who worked there who I found really cute. I talked to one of his female coworkers, who was really sweet and supportive, and asked her to give him my instagram.

A few hours later he followed me. I sent the first message, saying I found him cute. He responded later and said that he found me cute too and we continued messaging for a while. We were on call for about 3 1/2 hours the other day and I swear we have all the same interests.

We both play roblox (a stupid kids game for those who don’t know) we watch a lot of the same shows and we have similar humor. We had really good chemistry over the phone, from what I could read. We were laughing, sharing stories, and making stupid references.

We had a plan to go to the park together, but he wasn’t feeling well so we rescheduled. Not an issue to me.

My thing is, he responds pretty late. Like 6-12 hours type late. He does work long hours, so I don’t know if it has to do with that. Is it a mind game or something that guys do? I feel like it’s on purpose to make me keep thinking about him. Because I swear he’s been stuck in my head. Either that, or he is genuinely not interested in me. Uhhh idek.

tl;dr: It feels like a guy is not making an active effort, which leads me to believe he’s not interested in me.

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