I just turned 18 and realised I don’t really have any real friends. The ones I usually hung out with (not as much anymore) are fake and they don’t really care about me. I think its acceptable because I just realised that I’m quieter than them and don’t have anything to add to the conversation and it’s not that I have social anxiety but it’s that I feel like my mind is blank. I feel like I am uncapable of making thoughts to respond to anything they say. My answers are always dry and don’t know how to continue conversations or start one. I don’t know what to do or why my mind isn’t working properly. On top of that my life looks like boring endless cycle that goes: Waking up, going to school, coming back from school, scrolling trough tiktoks, going to sleep. Therefore maybe that can also be reason that I have nothing to say and I want much more than doing that in my life, because life is short and I think youth is the best time of your life and I don’t wanna waste it in my home doing nothing. I even had some suicidal thoughts because I think I wasted my youth for nothing. So the main reason I think I would be happy again is being able to have good conversations and being more talktive and have some good friends.

  1. You’re at a turning point in your life as you’re going through the last year of highschool headed toward adulthood. Most people don’t peak in highschool. But it *would* be helpful to work on developing some skills that can help you making new friends going forward.

    Here’s something I wrote that can get you started in the right direction:

    ###[How To Banish Boring Conversations](https://www.reddit.com/r/CPRForYourSocialLife/comments/11eb4g8/how_to_banish_boring_conversations/)

  2. You can’t change the past so don’t be sad about it. Instead look at the future. It seems like you do nothing all day. I’d suggest you to delete tiktok and instead try to find some interests. Maybe go to the gym for example and when you are at home learn about some stuff like history, geography or learn a new language. Try to find stuff that you are interested in it can be anything.

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