Me (M17)
Her (F17)

The story starts off with us having a class together I eventually moved seats to sit next to her. We became friends is was a healthy friendship. Then I asked her out and she agreed to the date and seemed excited about it so was I. The March break came up and she said she needed a break to reflect on the events and we will talk later. I texted her over the break a few times (i shouldn’t have I was getting really anxious and I sent her like a 1000 word explaining that I’m sorry if I rushed things and pressured her) honestly I should have gave her space. Then she tells me she’s not ready to be dating right now and she needs to figure herself out but she loves spending time with me and wants to be friends. Forgot to add she also lost feelings which I discovered much later on the phone call w her but she didn’t wanna hurt my feelings she doesn’t confront ppl very often even when needed and she admits to that.We come back from the break dry responses clearly avoiding me in person for 2 weeks. I’m talking to another friend with her sitting behind me and it’s about another girl I like she instantly starts wanting to talk with me again and apologized for ghosting me. I thought that was toxic but she said she was just nosey. Then she started still avoiding me it seemed so I moved seats to sit away from her because it became annoying and awkward. I told her it didn’t feel like she was putting an effort in our friendship and it felt one sided. She became very defensive over text of course. Then she told me I overanalyze her and I just assume things sometimes and that I was needy. I was seemingly needy in her eyes because i wanted us to be on good terms but whatever.I asked her to clear her chest that’s why. I told her I’m sorry for doing this and I’ll work on it to be better. Later we called on the phone frequently tell late at night and she apologized for being defensive and i was like we’re cool. In person we hardly hanged out but we would talk frequently on the phone.(now she has really bad social anxiety and told me in person it’s still weird for her to be around me so I was like ok that’s valid is there anything I can do to help with that and she was like I need to figure it out on my own I’m like cool. Fast forward a few weeks she just stopped calling and texting I don’t believe I said anything rude or disrespectful besides when I told her I lost feelings but was rude about it. I said I felt like she wasn’t SANE biggest mistake ever. I apologized for my insensitivity and told her it was hard to explain everything was normal again but still no texts calls or effort to speak w me in person. Later she calls me again we joke around and she tells me she would make out with me. I was like I would do the same. I talk to her in person about it and she said not when ur like this nice guy.Bthe following few days she makes some rude comments in class saying no offended I don’t value your opinion. I even started being rude to her back in a joking way doesn’t make it any better. Now when I insulted her which I typically never do to people in general I realized she brings out a toxic side in me and I’ve been distancing myself from her I stopped texting calling and I’m avoiding her but still reaming polite and respectful example I won’t gossip about her as I still want the best for her but I don’t feel like I’m obligated to stay around someone who makes me feel not good about myself and clearly doesn’t care for our friendship. It’s been 6 days since I messaged her and she messaged me asking if everything was ok because she said she noticed I wasn’t at school lately because I didn’t show up to school for 2 days . To show I’m not interested in talking to her but wanted to remain polite I said I’m ok thanks for asking she replied okok good. I want her out of my life I think but I still want her to be happy as I confronted her in the past about rudeness and being a bad friend and it got nowhere so am I a bad person for not wanting to purse a friendship that hurts me ?

TLDR: she doesn’t care for the friendship and is rude sometimes very insensitive but I don’t wanna just completely cut her off because I think it’s rude

  1. ESH. Y’all are doing this to each other to avoid doing what you both really want/need, which is to not be friends.

  2. Nothing toxic about her behaviour imo. You’re both teenagers and this is classic teenage drama. Give her space when she asks for it tho. Always. And you should demand the same when you need space. Apart from that if you feel like distancing yourself from the friendship then do that.

  3. God, that’s complex. I would maybe just make one of her friends share this posts with her and she’ll she how much you care but you don’t want to talk to her. Bad suggestion ik lol. Here is another one, you could sit her down and talk to her or just keep doing what your doing and just be polite but never talk first.

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