So since the start of this school year I have been pushing myself out of my comfort zone a lot, and I had a lot of amazing memories last month and now am so sad that they are over and think they won’t happen again.

Marching band season ended on Friday and I was the set Ik leader and that really helped push me to be more confident and leading, all the games were so fun and I hung out with people after them but now that they are over I feel like I won’t get chances to hangout with people more.

And on the 20th I was invited by a friend to a Halloween party and it’s crazy because early October I was literally bawling because I wanted to go to a party so bad, I finally got to one which was great and I had such a good time. Unfortunately I have been crying every day since because I miss it and I’m afraid I won’t be invited to another. Since being invited I’ve hung out w the person who invited me 2 times, but I just feel like it won’t happen again. My plan is to tomorrow say thank you for Inviting me to let her know I would wanna go to another but idk is that a good idea?

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