What is the best example of ” a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do”?

  1. The best proof of this being a simple truth is the amount of shaming words we have for men who “don’t do” or who fail to “do successfully”. Deadbeat, bum, buffoon, I never heard a woman being referred to as a “loser”. Men are shamed for their inability to influence the world more than for HOW they influence the world and I guess that’s what the saying ultimately points to

  2. Same thing as what a woman gotta to do what a woman gotta to do to survive. Usually doing stuff we don’t like to support our families.

  3. Two things that pop in my mind.

    1. Having a job he hates since he needs to feed and house his family.
    2. Biting his tongue when a woman says something mean or completely off base so it doesn’t become a bigger fight.

  4. The russian special forces soldier who surrounded by Isis called in an airstrike on himself.

  5. There’s a scene in The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand where the destitute, protagonist architect is offered a lot of money for a job that requires rejecting his artistic integrity. If he doesn’t take the money, he‘ll have to give up trying to be an architect, at least temporarily, so he can make some money. He rejects the money as not really being in his self-interest and finds a job doing manual labor instead.

    Victor Hugo publicly condemned the French emperor as a traitor to France and was exiled.

  6. If you father a kid, support the child financially and emotionally, no matter how you feel about their mother.

  7. Take charge in an emergency. It certainly doesn’t have to be a man but more times than not, if there is a man around, people expect him to be the one to take charge. I am typically aware of the talents of the people around me and am willing to let someone else take charge if he or she is better suited but they need to do it almost instantaneously or I will jump in. If I’m eating dinner with a fireman and a fire breaks out then I’m going to let him take charge as long as he does it quickly. Same goes for a nurse and someone has a heart attack. They very literally have about 2 seconds though because after that I’m going to take control. I’ve done it before because it’s who I am.

  8. Going to the store to buy your wife or girlfriend tampons.

    I never once understood the discomfort some men have doing this. It’s not like they’re for me or something.

  9. I watched a video about people working makeshift petroleum refineries in refugee camps in Syriah. If the phrase, “I’m slowly killing myself so I can feed my family.” Isn’t a perfect example of a person doing what they have to do to survive then I don’t know what is.

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