It’s not even that I’m not in the mood for sex, I fear it, I hate it, I have never viewed sexual content I avoid movies with sex I cry when sexual terms are explained to me, the thought of sex makes me cry and I never want to have to, nor do I understand it. I cannot fathom why sex is the be all & end all of everything and why everyone does it. I feel like there is something fundamentally wrong with me. I don’t want answers like “you just don’t like sex” becuase I want to know why I am like this. Is it something biological, I dunno but I want to know. I have cried many times over dumb sexual terms.

  1. If even the thought of sex makes you cry that does seem very difficult.

    Are you able to recognize any bad experiences you might’ve had growing up? Either seeing something or something that has happened to you?

    For you to have such a strong reaction, it sounds like its a deeper issue. Have you tried maybe talking to a therapist?

  2. You might have bad experiences or even trauma from something related to sex, or that you haven’t had healthy sexual education.

  3. Just because there’s no therapist near you there is a telephone and there is therapy online.

    You need to get some professional advice.

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