So i M21 have been going into this gym for about 1.5 years and people are mostly same here. One guy (late 20s or early 30s) who i often see in the gym tried to show dominance on me.

I will laying on the bench press and was about to lift the bar and this person stand next to the bench and put his hand on the bar. I tap on his hand and told him that please take off your hand I need to lift the bar.

He looked at me and then look away at did not lift his hand I tap on his hand again and told him again and he start to stare me and did not took off his hand and did that for continuous 5 to 10s and I told him again to take of your hand.

Then he take off his head and went away and my assessment from the situation is that he was trying to assess that whether I will show resistance or not so he can abuse me in the future. I wanted to ask what I can do in this situation?

  1. Just a personality disorder, lots of them in the wild these days. Best course of action is to passively defuse the situation and let them find a different sucker to escalate with. If it continues discuss it with management. People like that are rarely in just one social altercation at a time.

  2. Well, touching him as your first move isn’t great, it works in his favour. You should speak clearly, assertively. “Please take your hand off the bar.” and meet his gaze. If his staring at you it shows aggressiveness so you should probably notify gym management and say you feel threatened by another gym goer. I mean, I could go on about tricks of de-escalation and dealing with fighting or intimidating men (former bouncer) but the idea is to not get into altercations in gymnasiums. You’ll look like a tool.

  3. Next time this happens, go straight to the gym staff and report him. Nothing asserts dominance like getting yourself banned from the gym.

  4. It sounds like he was flirting with you. Try winking or asking for his number if you’re interested next time. Going straight to touching is bold

  5. Go to the gym staff. Shit ain’t normal. I’d bet anything his lifts are trash too. Strong dudes don’t do stupid social games like that. Sounds like an insecure piss boy picking on someone because it made him feel better. That’s so weird, I’ve never seen shit like after high school

  6. Show dominance? He’s showing being a fkn cnt. Next time report the asshole to the staff.

  7. If you don’t know that guy then that’s not a socially acceptable behavior. That’s not a dominance thing, sounds like harassment.

  8. Sounds like the guy was ill mannered and probably on so much roids he’s practically a walking mass of hormones. Guys like him are either looking for trouble or really stuck or both. If you see him approaching again sit up instead as he might “accidentally” press you to death or at least hurt you badly. You need to be a position where you can either defend yourself or run like all hell broke loose if need be

  9. This person is a walking nightmare for a gym. This isn’t about dominance. This is about stupidity. They demonstrated that when it comes to stupidity, they are the king, pope, and god of stupidity

  10. What the fuck? You should IMMEDIATELY report this fucker! That’s insanely dangerous and absolutely stupid af to do

  11. Instead of tapphing his hand you should have tapped his sack. You were in the perfect position for it.

  12. Why the fuck didn’t you report him? That shit could be dangerous and also is a huge waste of time.

  13. Report it and say you aren’t going to demand action this time. But tell them you will be reporting it every time. Chances are this is not his first strike at that place and just a simple report will be the last straw for him.

  14. Just report the guy. I swear you would think people would grow out of this behavior.

  15. Did you not like the answers you were getting on your other post?

    You have no idea what’s up with this dude, and it’s not your problem. Report him and try to not obsess over it.

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