Everytime I text with this girl i try to be funny extra hard or try too hard in general to come up with a good text.

This backfires about her misunderstanding me i think, and me cringing irl, while me hating me for sending this text.

We had our first date and everything before that went fine, but right now our week is this week, and the past 2 weeks i have just been horrible at texting, that i think i am rejecting myself literally. I destroy a possible relationship or a chance of getting to date her more often.

Should i just be cold and act like a normal human being for once, so NPC responses or only text when she texts me?

  1. I wouldn’t recommend being cold. But I would recommend just relaxing and to try not to try so hard. Please don’t TRY to be funny, if you feel like you’re trying to be funny most likely you aren’t being funny.

  2. Dude why are you trying so hard? Just send her pics of cats or whatever

  3. I wouldn’t recommend you texting to much, that’s a conversation killer next time you go on a date with her.

  4. I’m struggling with the same thing so don’t be to hard on yourself . It’s hard to try and have “game” . Im a pretty basic dude and just want someone to be real and normal with me , I don’t live this extravagant life and don’t have a lot to talk about over text except like regular day things…dating is hard now a days with social media ….

  5. Text normally. This isn’t a score, she’s another human. If she went on a date and texts you, she likes you. Be you, not this performative comedian.

  6. Keep it playa. I struggle with that too. But as long as you got the vibe she wants in person then you got her.

  7. How about you stop caring and taking dating as they come and go, don’t try to get them hooked, you got a date good on you and good on them be chill, be yourself if they like you they like you if they don’t they don’t! Oh well

  8. Don’t overthink it, just text normal and she will be attracted to you indirectly.

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