I’m genuinely curious & seeking advice/feedback. I’ve put a lot of thought into it:

I’ll start by saying that it isn’t every guy. A few of them are pretty cool and the older ones are respectful enough.

I’ve finally been going to the gym (consistently) 5x a week for a while now with a rest week every 6th week (Dec. makes 1YR). I’ve noticed that other guys tend to do three things.

1. Stare/sneak glances at me (not through a mirror). Most looks are kinda blank.
2. Avoid me like the plague.
3. Both

I’m 22[M] and fairly muscular (average height) & I initially thought they were watching my form as I did one of my sets, but I noticed it didn’t matter. They’d stare even when I’m resting in between.

Hell I thought maybe they were just zoning out.

Women, for the most part, don’t really mind my presence. I go out my way to not bother them since I don’t want to be labeled a creep. I have a future career to protect.

Some keep their distance, which I totally understand that. Women are naturally more reserved, esp around other men and/or they’re not single. Even then, they don’t seem annoyed with me.

I shower before every gym session and use plenty of deodorant. Up & downstairs too.

Despite all of this, I continue to mind my business & keep my headphones blasting & ignore it. But it’s getting to the point where I don’t even look up anymore. Much less eye contact.

Not sure if it even matters, but I do keep up with myself pretty well I’m both grooming and hygiene. So I’m not I guess all over the place.

I try to stay out of the way. I leave all of my belongings in the locker room.

I only use one weight/machine at a time (I get annoyed with weight hoarding too) and I workout consistently in the same area where there isn’t any equipment to stay out the way.

Maybe I’m there’s something or I’m doing something I’m unaware of? I never really speak to anyone at the gym, but I’m always cordial if I’m spoken to first.

I don’t have a reason to be rude. I’ve felt unwelcomed a few times, but never more than the look of, what I perceived to be, disgust yesterday.

I’m not sure what to do, but I don’t see myself switching gyms. But I do more self conscious.

Apologies for the long read, but I’ve put a lot of thought into what I could be doing wrong 🙁

  1. If the women aren’t reacting to you but the men are, I’m gonna guess it’s not hygiene or etiquette or anything like that, you’re probably jacked and they’re just trying to discreetly check you out

  2. Sometimes we will look and check out your routine because if you’re jacked we want to get that way too 😂

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