I am a person that used to not be myself. Symptoms of this were social anxiety and other things but I scroll through here often I feel for alot of you that are struggling with social anxiety or just have situational questions they need answered. So ask away. I’m not claiming to be Jesus or anything but I think I can help at least 1 or 2 of you :). You’d be surprised.

  1. what helped most with overcoming your social anxiety, and how did you become more yourself and comfortable with people?

  2. Did you ever feel like you didn’t really know who you were? I kind of always have this feeling and I try to pick up new hobbies and find out what I actually like but I just don’t know. sometimes I feel like I’m thinking about it too much and it’s making me too anxious to just be myself, I also feel like a lot of times I put myself in situations that I’m obviously not comfortable in to try and have character development or something I don’t even know. I in most times it just doesn’t go good lol. I ultimately I think I just need to get out more and talk to a bunch of new people and just experience the world but I suck at that because I constantly feel like I’m just too stupid to converse with people and I sound so whiny and I’m not sure if this even makes sense, but I’m going to post it. Ha ha ha

  3. How do you overcome to be perfect in every situation?
    I always have a plan ready about who I want to meet, how I will speak and on which topics and if something unexpected happens it messes me up and because of this I try to avoid social gatherings.

  4. I don’t have it as much anymore with random people and acquaintances, but with friends, I feel like they all secretly hate me. I read into everything. Don’t know if it counts as social anxiety but I am just too concerned with being too clingy and them not liking me. Any experience here?

  5. How do you stop feeling like it’s not possible to change because of the way people already perceive you? Most anxious people have friends or people they work with who accept the you that isn’t really you, and it’s hard to break out of that barrier. If you relate, I’d love to hear your perspective. I’ve heard the simple answer of just not caring and being you, but that doesn’t seem to help xD

  6. I have been feeling that I have lost my identity. I used to be top of my class once but now here in college the world seem to turned against me and all my efforts to do things that I thought would help make me, me are either out of question due to unavailability of time or just not possible due to my consistent poor performance. At the center of all this is social anxiety. Social anxiety is something that really ruined my image in front of everyone as to most of the people that know me well have already cut off contact or know me for not being able to keep unspoken promises which I can not decipher due to my poor social skill set and anxiety in large crowds. This anxiety has turned me to having an identity crisis due to which I have lost meaning of my work which just further deteriorated my performance at college, and I am nothing more than the silent clown kid trope having knife or gun to my classmates (same department peers) and to my roommates I was narcisstic asshole who drains away the fun. I would assert that view my classmates hold is something which I never will become, but as far as my dorm roommates go, I do admit partially that sometimes I demanded a strict time table for inviting guests and they didn’t listen. Also the social anxiety, after all these bad experiences, have led to develop a paranoia due to which my new friendship attempts just seem futile.

    What do you think?

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