so i made a post on a different subreddit about how i want a bf and ppl in the comments were telling me to start by making friends. so i’m a 16 year old girl, junior in highschool. i have always had terrible social anxiety but until i was 13 or 14 i always had a friend group. when i was 13 i got severely depressed due to other health issues. i became a toxic person and cut off all of my friends by either straight up ignoring them or cutting them off in bad ways bc i just wanted to die. this was during covid so it was easy to isolate myself. then i started going back in person for school bc it was freshman year of highschool and covid was over. so i was still depressed this year and too anxious to make friends. because of this i didn’t join any activities. towards the end of my freshman year i stopped being depressed. since then i had hoped to make friends but i didn’t really care and i started to enjoy being alone. now i am 16 and i thought i was so happy now but i realized i might just be settling. my anxiety is bad but better and now in school i have a few people i talk to in classes but since everyone already has their groups it’s hard to join in. i wanna do more activities but everyone has been involved since freshman year and i don’t have friends to invite me yk. so i realize that isolating myself is probably harmful to myself even if i don’t care. also i feel like i’m not the type of person to not have friends. i feel like ppl see ppl with no friends as weird and no one likes them. but i think i would do well having friends and be well liked if i could overcome my anxiety and find friends bc ppl in the past rly liked me and im somewhat pretty and have cute clothes which doesn’t matter but obviously it makes people like u more. ok so yeah lmk what u think 😁

1 comment
  1. You seem like a great person. God loves you. Other people will like you too in time.

    Start with having a support team – counselors, parents, whoever.

    Then take tiny steps; talk to someone everyday. If need be just talk to the person next to you in line at a coffee place. Smile and just say “have a nice day.”

    Read positive books and watch positive shows. Read “How to make friends and influence people” It’s old and outdated – does anyone have any better book ideas?

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