So I suck at social skills and also have social anxiety, so with the new year coming up I wanted to improve it.

I started reading the book but I feel it tells us what to do but not how to do it?

For example say – “you need to be genuinely interested in people”. But how do I do that? Do I ask about them? But isn’t too much asking about them feel weird? Should I avoid talking about me?

The thing is most of what he tells is what I already do. That’s why I’ve had good friends and even good relationships in the past.

What I suck at most is starting a conversation with a stranger and getting their attention. Throw me at a party and at the end of that I’ll be the weird guy who was standing in the corner.

I want to change that, I want to learn how to talk to strangers and make new friends. I’m in a new city and have been feeling pretty lonely.

I feel most of what he tells could be applied on people you know about. Not random strangers you meet.

Do you people have any book recommendations for that?

  1. When I’m in a social setting I’m always listening for the interesting conversation, usually one I can jump on without much effort. “Hey, are you talking about blah blah blah?”

    If I hear a topic I know nothing about, but sounds interesting then I’ll ask questions. It’s easy to ask questions when my interest is piqued.

    I’m not keen on going around introducing myself to people. I prefer to insert myself into conversations that work for me. It’s low effort. Then, having established a connection, I’ll do introductions if at all. I prefer to keep a degree of anonymity in most interactions. Meeting too many people become unmanageable for me.

  2. That book was written by a salesman for fostering relationships with potential clients, many years ago. (Notably, Charles Manson took a class based on Dale Carnegie techniques while in prison before the whole Manson Family/ “Helter Skelter” murders)

    It is not a textbook to gain social skills, necessarily.

    There are many books that would be more suited to recommending ways to develop social skills.

    I commend your willingness to learn and wish you success in your endeavors.

  3. See youtube – Mark Manson…

    His book changed my life and how i see things.

    I’m a introvert, and i have a lot of rejection wounds. To avoid rejection i was a people pleaser, so i made extra effort to be that person that people seemed to like.

    Recently i came to realize that i can’t go against my nature to overcome my anxiety. I must respect me first…and i don’t feel lonely, i apreciate solitude…so i respect my self and avoid social interaction. I must learn to be with our selfs. We can’t divorce from us 😜.

    Sorry about my english.

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