What experience do you have of someone antagonizing you, after you’ve rejected their advances?

  1. Had a gay man hit on me at a party. Told him I’m not interested or gay. He kept after me for a few hours. Kept trying to hold my hand and shit like that. He ended up getting too hands on and went to sleep.

  2. Met a woman for coffee, sexted for a while, then a few days later she came over to my place and we performed the scenario we dreamed up over text. The sex was a bit awkward and we probably should have gone out a few times before having sex, but oh well. Afterwards I got covid and so we didn’t see each other for a while. I decided that I didn’t want to have that intense of a relationship with her and told her I wanted to dial it back. She agreed, so I thought. We met for lunch and everything seemed ok. Then she found my profile on Feeld and kinda snapped. She had been a sex ed teacher for schools, teaching kids that no means no etc… so I thought she would understand, but no. She asked me for a zoom call, and then proceeded to berate me on why I would sleep with these other people but not her. Then the same bullshit over text too.

  3. Gay coworker got told no. Proceeds to bitch and moan about how he really wasn’t asking me out since I am so fucking ugly and no one likes me, and he has standards. Does not stop him at all from trying to pressure me into sex with him. HR gets involved and politely asks him for his resignation since they don’t want to fire him since it would be bad for PR. Dude still tries to come by the workplace, but has basically been told he says one more thing to me and he will be escorted out by police.

  4. Had a woman call me gay for not responding to her advances cuz she smelled like shrimp.. she hadn’t even taken any clothes off and it was still strong

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