I’ve been seeing this girl for 4 months. We hang out all the time, go on lots of dates, and have lots of sex. But she still wants to see other people. I really like her and want her to be my gf, and knowing that she’s seeing other people really hurts me. I’ve tried to make my case but she won’t have it, at most she’s said “maybe in the future”. She also said that while she’s “seeing” other people, she’s not sleeping with them, if that matters. I assume she’s just going on dates?

I almost feel like I should end it, but I am getting my emotional and sexual needs met by her so it’s really hard for me. And before you say there’s more fish in the sea, I’m not exactly the best fisher. Dating is hard for me and I loathe it.

  1. Well, seems like you don’t have a whole lot of other options so I guess wait it out and hope for the best

  2. She’s looking for someone better and wants to keep you if it fails. Get some balls and give her a hard choice: exclusive or nothing.
    Edit: I know it’s hard, but it’s better to be single than being strung along.

  3. Go see other people and treat her the way she’s treating you – for occasional sex or companionship but no more than that.

  4. You are more into her than she is to you.

    Date more women, eventually she will figure it out and bring up exclusivity or not.

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