I’m in high school and this guy I used to go to elementary with saw me and asked my friends if I was single.
They told me I should talk to him so we were in the talking stage for almost 1 month. Things were going well, we’d hang out at school n talk, his friends hyped us up, then 2 days ago he told me “I’m not a player I’m not going to lead you on. To me it seems like you’re really looking for a relationship and I’m just not interested in anything like that.” We talked about it and 1 of the main reasons why he said that was because he was going through “legal” things. I never fully found out what it was but people were telling me he used to scam people and take their money. It’s just weird to me b/c he was interested 1st, then he says that.

Do you think he’ll reach out again? We still text but should we continue talking and I just answer very slowly? Or do I just like his text and leave him on seen. I’m so confused 🙁

TL;DR; : Guy who was interested in me 1st later says he’s not interested in a relationship. We’re still cool but should we still text?

  1. No I don’t think he will reach out again. Seems like he’s upfront, only wants something casual, not really going to date you.

  2. Too many red flags:

    1. He admitted he liked you and then pulled away.
    2. He’s going through “legal things” and not telling you what they are. Even if the rumors about him scamming people are false, the fact that he’s not telling you is…not looking good. Best case scenario: he’s not going through legal things at all and is just making that reason up to not want to date you.
    3. He already admitted that he’s not emotionally available for you, and you need to believe him. Continuing to text him will just give you more false hope and disappointment.

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