
Ever since focusing on dating in person and online for the last three years (out of a considerable eight year period), there has not been much success as for match making. Also, l cannot elaborate more on this due to the lack of matches.

With changing my profile about a few dozen times on multiple platforms and of course, using different photos – nothing seems to make any difference, even if l am ambitious on this post to include the different occupations l’ve taken in this time.

Can anyone here provide an understanding please?

Much appreciated & happy weekend! 😊

  1. You might need a profile review on r/Tinder

    My recommendations are:

    3-5 pictures of yourself. Make sure you are smiling! You want to be warm and inviting. Full body if available. No mirror selfies. No pictures with other women. No car pics. Pet pics are good if you have one.

    A bio with a short quote or one-liner joke, a list of your interests and hobbies, and a short statement on what you’re looking for.

    Do not talk about religion, politics, or speak negatively about yourself in your profile.

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