I’m 23F, I enjoy the aspect of physical touch with a person and the emotional vulnerability that comes along with it while connecting with each other but…

I get so anxious that there’s a possibility that a partner would cheat on me. It’s literally the scariest thing ever to have your trust broken. It’s so scary.

  1. I am definitely empathetic to this take as I’ve dated over the years in my personal experience 22M has only gotten worse. People are more selfish and more self-centered now than ever before. They are not willing to make sacrifices, and they are very emotionally unintelligent I remain white pilled in hopes that one day the right woman will come along. However, I’m doing my absolute best to improve myself, so that I can be the partner who is actually desirable and achieve a higher status and quality of dating in spaces that would promote more productive activities, such as my main hobbies, which include biking, shooting, firearms, pets, and traveling. Now that I’ve given you some context, my advice to you would be to automatically assume everyone is loyal until proven cheaters. It seems that you were driven by your anxiety, which is often times presumptive of a persons, behavior or the outcome of a relationship. My therapist said to me that anxiety is a rational fear of future events, and that I should only worry about the present and what I can control right now you were worrying about some thing that you cannot control, which is an irrational fear, I would advise just do the best that you can in a relationship and forget about the rest at the end of the day if you are a reasonable person in a relationship and you offer them everything you can at the end of the day you can I change whether or not, they will cheat.

  2. Pretty sure this is the standard these days lol. No one able for relationships for whatever personal reason.

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