Hello Reddit,

Okay so, my boyfriend and I have been together for just a little over a year now and this is by far my best and healthiest relationship in so, so many ways I never even realized it could be. I love him so much and our passion and love is really strong. One of the most noticeable ways this comes out is in our sexual compatibility; this is truly the first relationship where I am literally obsessed with having sex with my partner. I’ve realized just how important that compatibility is in a relationship for me and it just feels so good to be here. My only concern is that I feel literally genuinely obsessed with thinking about sex, and sex with him specifically. I literally cannot wait to have sex with him, I think about it very shortly after I get done having sex with him, and we have a LOT of sex, like 1-2 times a day always, which is the most sex I’ve ever had in a relationship and is how I need it to be as my drive is really high! I’m thinking about it at work, whenever I’m alone which leads me to masturbate a lot, while watching Tv, driving, etc. The feeling of his thick cock sliding in and out of me as he’s fucking me makes me so wet and my clit throb. I swear I think about and want sex even more than my boyfriend and he loves sex too!

Is it normal to think about and crave sex this much? Like some days the thoughts are constant if I’m not actively focusing on something else. It doesn’t like, take away from or cause any really issues in my life, I’m just mostly curious if other people think about this stuff as frequently as me and if it’s normal…

  1. If it isn’t a problem then it isn’t a problem. Live your life in peace and enjoy what you enjoy.

  2. I’m with you girl. I love sex with my boyfriend and think about it every day for sure. But we don’t get to have sex very much because we live 2 hours apart

  3. Might still be the honeymoon phase, but if it doesn’t cause problems, just enjoy it!

    >The feeling of his thick cock sliding in and out of me as he’s fucking me makes me so wet and my clit throb.

    He would *love* to hear that. I don’t think there is a single guy who doesn’t like their cock being praised, and a woman saying they want it and can’t stop thinking about it. If you want sex more than him, try teasing him while at work. Send him a message telling how you feel, and what you wish was happening. Or what you’re going to do to his cock when you get your hands (or mouth/pussy) on it.

  4. Is it causing problems? Not going to work because of it? Paying bills late because of it? Are you cutting yourself off from family or friends because of it? If it’s not causing problems then it’s not a problem. If you start to find yourself not doing the things you need to do and want to do because of sex then reevaluate if it’s a problem.

  5. This is how many guys go through life. When we are into a woman, we constantly want to communicate our love through sex. For guys, sex creates romantic feelings for their loved one. Often for women, romance creates the desire for sex.

    It’s nice to hear when a lady normalizes how men feel now and then.

  6. I know you’re asking if it’s normal for most adults but you basically described what existing as a man is from puberty to about 30ish

  7. I mean from a man’s point of view I love when my shawty wants to have sex 2-3 times a day. I’m usually the one that wants to have sex all the time and there’s times she doesn’t and all I do is jerk it off. There’s no problem with wanting to have sex all the time, I want to with my gf all the damn time. Rn matter fact, but you do what you desire and if loves sex like you than fuck him more !

  8. Go. To. Church. Sounds dumb, but converting to religion is the best way I got myself in check. Go to church on Sundays, a Christian one preferably for billions of reasons. Even if you don’t believe in the savior of earth, it’ll change your values. Doing it with your boyfriend will make it easier to just calm it down a little. Then when everything’s good, maybe marriage, sex is o, o so good.

  9. 1-2 times a day? Sounds like me and hubby and we’ve been at it for over 10 years! Very happy for you❤️

  10. This sounds overbearing lol, just my opinion.

    But if it works for them don’t question good things.

  11. I am definitely the same way with my bf. We’ve been together almost 4 years. We don’t have sex as often, we have a blended family with 4 kids, and his sex drive is unfortunately lower than mine. But I’d gladly do it everyday. It might not be “common” but that doesn’t make it not normal…

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