I recently went on a date with someone I met online, no issues, but he seems to have autism. Im not well informed on the subject and I’ve never personally talked to or dated an autistic person, He didn’t really disclose this before we went out even though we’ve been texting for months.. after the date we texted and he brought it up and said everyone tells him he has autism but he doesn’t think so, he’s a great guy and attractive and funny but the autism threw me off and made me slightly confused since it never came up and he seems to be functioning well, sorry if my words are offensive correct me if you feel the need to, but I dont know what to make of it and I’m trying to look it up and how to deal with it, would appreciate any help or advice, and i accidentally took him somewhere loud and very crowded which is the main reason I realized it in the first place.

  1. Maybe he is undiagnosed? I’m not sure how you go about getting a diagnosis for this. I imagine it’s stimming, etc that leads you to believe that?

  2. I might fall into the same category as your date. If I had to offer some advice. It sounds like you might just like the guy the way he is. But you might do well to treat him with respect if you decide to go another direction. You never really know what anyone is going through unless they divulge the information through being comfortable and understanding or by being extra blunt. Sounds like you would choose the former! But you have to watch out for yourself first. Again, I might be wrong here.

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