Hello, 22 years old male aerospace engineering student from London, UK and I am struggling to get any matches on hinge, tinder and bumble despite using all my likes everyday… ( have probably sent like 5000+ likes now. I’ve been on the apps for over a year so I think I need to start taking action rather than keeping patient.

I keep changing up my prompts, and pictures including full body shot pics, with 1 mirror selfie and 1 selfie with my 2 dogs (which girls are supposed to kinda like right?). How do I start getting matches?

I am not short either… I am 5’11 when measured but I don’t want to lie saying I’m 6 foot even though I could lie.

Also, I’ve heard Indian guys are also at a disadvantage on dating apps too due to stereotypes, so maybe that could be the reason I also don’t get any matches? What should I do about that?

I really want to start dating now, it’s upsetting and lonely always being the sidekick/third-wheeler to all my friends and their couples and going out and seeing so many couples everyday being happy and then there’s me.

In terms of approaching women in real life I don’t know how… At the club, which I rarely go to anyways… I don’t get confidence (I don’t drink either) to approach a girl, especially if they’re in a group. The only other places I’m at most of the times will be class (but I study engineering so not many girls in class), library and gym… Which I don’t think are appropriate places to disturb someone anyways.

Any help would be much appreciated please. Thank you

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