So my gf and I were mad at each other for some time a few weeks ago. During this time, she denied me of all forms of sex and it was driving me insane because it had been a while since we got down. We went to a house party together around this time and all our friends were there and the party was running pretty late so she told me she was tired and wants to go home. We came together and was ready to drive her back but because she wanted to be petty she got an Uber home. I was still having fun and was like there’s no need for me to leave anymore. Everyone could tell we had issues. Long story, short my gf’s best friend came to talk to me and one thing led to another and we fucked. My gf and I are back on good terms now and I still haven’t told her about what happened. She also still hangs out with her best friend regularly so i know she didn’t tell her either. Anytime she comes over she’s sneaking in dirty looks at me like we should do it again and tbh I want to. I also don’t want to leave my gf so I was gonna propose the idea of a threesome with her nice she has talked about wanting to do one before and I know she’d enjoy it. Should I tell her what happened or see how this plays?

  1. There are 2 ways that can work.

    Way one: you tell her and hope she is one of the few who forgives. If not you are rightfully single.

    Way two: you don’t tell her and hope she won’t find out (gets into a fight with said friend and she tells her or other party guests give her Informations). She won’t know till this happens and you live with a lie. When she finds out the relationship will be over 100% and you feel way worse than you do now.

    Which one you choose is up to you.

    By the way, one thing leads to another means that both sides were absolutely fine with the decision you both made. Next time think for 2 seconds with your brain instead with your dick.

  2. Shit happens.

    You could try to fix this by being honest to your girlfriend. But the idea of a threesome with her best friend you cheated with? That’s honestly the most cruel thing I read in a while…

  3. You won’t need to leave your girlfriend once she finds out. She will leave you if she has any sense.

  4. You are a piece of shit. So is her so called best friend. The only good thing you can do is to leave your gf and let her heal and find someone better then you. People like you make me SICK.

  5. Comments on this post are now locked. Normally, personal attacks are not permitted in comments in r/sex — but in this case, I’m just making a general warning here and leaving it at that.

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