My boyfriend of 1 year confessed to me today, after giving oral, that sometimes when he gives oral he finds tiny stray hairs, and that a lot of times he says there are pieces of dirt that get caught on his tongue.

Now the hair every once in a while I understand. I shave and maybe some of the shaved hairs stay. The dirt, however, I have no idea where it’s coming from or what it is. I wash down there every time I shower and I shower almost daily. He has never complained about a bad smell down there and usually gives oral right after I shower.

I tried to Google this issue but it yielded no results. Or maybe I’m just not using the right words.

I need help with this because, while he said that it doesn’t mean he will stop, I don’t particularly want him to continue doing that until this is solved.

  1. He sounds like a germaphobe and a real dumbass and now it’s made you self conscious. He may be making it up to get out of doing it.

    Tell him his dick tastes nasty (if you felate him) and it makes you ill and see how he handles it

  2. One thing I’ve encountered that I find really gross is tiny wads of toilet paper. Even with women who shower daily.
    I always push for shower, then sex.
    If that’s not possible, I closely examine myself to make sure this isn’t an issue.

  3. It’s not dirt, although it does kind of look like it. It’s lint from your panties and other laundry.

    The polite thing to do is quietly brush it away, he’ll figure that out though.

  4. Lint is an occupational hazard lol

    You can do a quick splash and wipe within the folds before gettin busy if you wish. Stuff gets trapped in there on the regular 🙂

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