Hey guys so I’m doing a PowerPoint night with like cousins and we’re all older so I’m looking for an unhinged/mildly offensive topic that will roast them in a good way but not too hurtful. Any ideas??

  1. Sex is always a good thing to tease men about. You know like “Joe went to a sperm bank to bank his semen for later but he jerks off so much all that came out were bubbles.”


    Or Steve likes older women so much he’s been hitting up the old folks home for widows.


    Or Jack never uses his real name much because the truth is his last name is Noff.


    Or it’s been so long since Nate got laid the last time he got a piece of ass was when his finger broke through the toilet paper.

  2. Break the fourth wall and do a powerpoint night on how much powerpoint nights suck.

    Disclaimer: I have no idea what a powerpoint night is but it sounds a bit like corporate bullshit bingo without the bingo.

  3. unhinged?- every politician is a pedo and the only way to prove me wrong is win the fight for challenging my views.

    midly offensive- Helen Keller is a lying bitch and the only true thing about her is the fact shes blind and def.

  4. Might be contingent on the group you’re doing PowerPoint night with as well as the demeanor of specific people, and your personality.

    But, one thing that would be pretty good would be to do some sort of out of the box and insane conspiracy theory.

    To add to it: As a former law student/MBA and someone who is pretty damn good at committing to a bit and would get really into it, even better if you can *extensively* research it, have an intricate PowerPoint with facts and citations, become an actual expert on the conspiracy, and deliver it in a way that makes it seem like you genuinely believe and *actually* try to convince people it’s true and get into a heated debate over it. Straight up try to cause chaos.

    Knowing my friend group, I have 2-3 friends who would go crazy and would get legitimately angry that I believe in something so stupid, two that are super gullible I that I could seriously convince with fake facts, a solid argument, and conviction, and two friends (and my fiancé) who know my bullshit all too well who would be there for the show and probably help instigate the others. I could see that being hours of fun for me haha

  5. Full disclaimer: in my current maturity level I do not find what I’m about to say to be funny, cool, or anything else positive. But what I did at one of these 100% is unhinged.

    We did one of these during college. When I made mine I was under the impression that only the bros were coming. I found out like an hour before it was supposed to be +1s. I did a presentation of my body count including pluses and minuses for each person I had ever slept with. More than one person on the list was in the room. I was such a fucking tool.

  6. “Historical Racial Slurs No Long In Common Use” and make it international. Here we have a Dutch word to slander the Chinese that hasn’t been seen in print since 1965… etc etc

  7. My birds ain’t real pp fucking killed, I couldn’t even breathe while doing it

    Key: extremely elaborate animations abs transitions, no cohesion, multiple slides saying PROOF: with some unhinged photo.

    Trick is to make it all in one sitting, never go back in the slide, and only read it next time when you’re presenting it on the fly

  8. “Top 35 foods that can be used as a hole.”

    “Why my boss sucks”

    “Dave please stop fucking the mayonnaise: This is an intervention”

    “Bikini fashion throughout the years” But make it really serious and historical just make sure to find pictures with ever so slighty bigger and bigger boobs for each style/slide until it gets absolutely ridiculous

    “John from the Bible is the hopelessly romantic queer in all of us”

    “Why you each should give me $20”

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